
Why is it necessary to give Hurricanes names?

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Can't meteorologists just go by the date and region of the storm to identify it? For example how many people would people recognize a storm by its name 50 years later?




  1. It also helps oto differentiate between multiple storms like Hannah and Ike. And if a hurricane does major damage you would know, instead of saying the hurricane of 1992 that hit southern Florida or the hurricane from 2005 that destroyed New Orleans. Example: Andrew and Katrina.  

  2. Well, tropical storms and hurricanes are given names so that we can keep track of them and know which storm is where if there is more then one storm going on. It would be to difficult to go by the date and region of them because they last for more then one day and travel through different regions so that idea wouldn't work. To keep track of hurricanes now and through history they are given names so people can easily remember them and identify them.

  3. Before storms were named in 1950, they were referred to their location. There could be "the Bermuda storm", the "Texas storm", and "the Hurricane in the middle of the ocean that is doing nothing whatsover" all at the same time.

    That was fine, except for one thing: TROPICAL SYSTEMS MOVE AROUND. What was the "Texas storm" could be the "Florida hurricane" in a matter of hours. And what if there was already another hurricane at the same time also called the "Florida hurricane" at the other end of the state?

    The National Hurricane Center keeps records of every named and even some unnamed systems. And what would happen if two storms had nearly identical tracks and dates?

    And in my opinion, it's a lot easier to use "Hurricane Katrina 2005" rather than "August 23-30, 2005 hurricane that flooded New Orleans."

  4. Because meteorologist get bored all day sitting there staring at the doppler radar. Naming hurricanes is amusement to them.  

  5. so we can keep track of them.  

  6. dude use common sense if there's 3 tropical systems ant the same time ur not gonna know which is which

  7. because scientists are weird instead of saying 'the big hurricane' ok actually i can see why they do it now. you get different types of hurricanes some bigger and stronger that others. its funny cuz katrina is my friends name. hahaha she's a hurricane actually thats not funny no more it was the first time but not now.

  8. "remebner that time that hurricane hit that place?"

    "yeah man, that was intense. Do you remember the OTHER time that OTHER hurricane hit that OTHER place too?

    "Yeah, you mean the one that happened right after that other one, or before the one that happened in that one place?"

    You get the picture...

  9. they hav about 6 lists of about 12 names that they use to name tropical storms when they become hurricanes.

    If a hurricane is particularly destructive, then the name is taken off the list and replaced.

    Names are a lot easier to say and remember than: hurricane 8thjune07

  10. hurricanes have names because like the presidents, we need to have a specific name to address how F*&^%  up they were.

  11. Why is that? To help us identify storms and track them as they move across the ocean. Remember, there can be more than one hurricane at a time and without naming them, we could get confused and which storm we're talking about.

  12. oh and do you really think people are gonna remember better by saying "oh yeah that hurricane in florida on March 3, 1954?"

    not to mention there are a lot of hurricanes in the same area

    your a moron

  13. to distinguish them along the line of history instead of just saying  "that hurricane"

  14. It's not.

    In Japan they're numbered.

    I like names, they're more fun.

  15. If there are 2 storms in a similar region, it is too easy to get mixed up. Giving them names makes it easier to catalogue them, and makes sure they can be referred to quickly, which would not be the case if they had long reference numbers, for instance.

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