
Why is it no matter your overall skin colour,the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are white ?

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i don't mean white as in snow but white as in people who are called white




  1. Because in every person there's a good, honorable white person trying to break out.

  2. it's because the skin on them parts is thinker then on other parts. and the pigments that make the colour of your skin dont show throught the thicker skin as well as thiner parts.

  3. I suppose originally we walked on our hands and feet, my cat has black skin on his paws but his skin everywhere else is white, its just one of those unanswerable things.

    or taking it a step further do we all start out white and according to the temperature of the country we originate from change in colour and now only our hands and feet show we were all supposed to be equal?.

  4. maybe because we all originated from 'white' genetic stock and adapted to the climate with each successive generation. The Africans survived in a hot climate if they genetically modified each generation to counter the rate of skin cancer by producing more melanin in the skin. The Chinese in a cooler temp but sunny climate developed their distinctive eye shape because of the need to survive in their climate. Each generation though has kept this tell tale sign of the first beings. Also don't African and Carribeans give birth to lighter babies that darken their skin over a short period of time because it is natures way of allowing the mother to see if the baby is 'blue' and not breathing?? I know certain intimate parts of all females are pink....and think it is the same for males........

    It all proves we are so alike and just the same under whatever skin we have on top!!!!!!

  5. and.....ur point?

  6. ur palms never face the sun. same as ur soles of ur feet. do they ever face the sun. no

  7. The skin on the soles of foot is very thick. The thickness may cause the pigment to appear white-ish.

  8. Perhaps it's something to do with the fact that these parts rarely see the sun or are always in contact with something else, but I'm only guessing

  9. maybe cuz...i donno.  i mean you never really tan ur palms do you?

  10. Yeah, that is so true. I dont know. Good question! But no one tans those places and it probably the way us humans are born!

  11. At one time everyone was black, then God decided to make everyone white. So he made a pool where people could immerse their bodies, and become white.

    All the rich people went first, then in descending order in wealth, until it got to the very poor. By this time there was only a small puddle left, and all that the very poor people could do was put their hands and feet in.

    This is why black people have white hands and feet.

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