
Why is it not a good idea for an upland farmer to pick a location that is facing away from the wind?

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An upland farmer wishes to plant crops requiring much water on a mountainside?




  1. Wouldn't the fact that the wind is blowing away from the crops result in less watering?  I'd assume the wind would help distribute the water more even over the crops.  No?

  2. Sorry ,I really can not answer your question. I just can't figure out where in Upland is there enough open space for even container gardening much less farming?  But,I would think maybe if someone from another town with more open space wouldn't want to plant a crop on a downhill slope that doesn't have the wind blowing  towards it because then all the water used for irrigation would quickly run down the hill and not sink into the ground . The wind would slow down the speed of the water and allow it to saturate the soil . That is only my logical explanation. But you know, that person could use those little pellets they make now, that holds three times the amount of water then it's size,then  releases the water back into the roots of the plants as is needed. It reduces the the amount of watering times and the amount of water used resulting in less water waste. Tell the guy the name of the product is called ,Zebra. Byee

  3. wind helps in distributing the rain more even to the crops so it is not a good idea to pick a location facing away from the wind

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