
Why is it not a good idea to be friends with someone that you have romantic feelings for?

by Guest59613  |  earlier

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I am good friends with this guy.I laways get excited to see him.The problem is he is married.I am not trying to win him over and i don't expect him to leave his wife myself with him but we are just platonic friends.I am not expecting more than just friendship.I just enjoy his company




  1. The way I see it, if you are romantically interested in him, you will either consciously or subconsciously find small ways of trying to show him that you want him.  

    That isn't fair to him, who will either have to respond to your advances (again, whether you're aware you're doing i or not), or act oblivious.

    It isn't fair to his wife, who has the reasonable expectation that her husband shouldn't put himself into a position to be tempted and break his marriage vows.

    And it isn't fair to you, you should have respect for yourself and not put yourself into a position where you're pining away for a man you can't have.  Move on and find someone you can be with.  

    If you were simply wanting a platonic relationship with a guy you weren't interested in romantically, that would be one thing.  But by your own admission you are attracted to him, and that can just lead to disaster.

  2. Limit your time alone and/or don't get wasted on alcohol together.

  3. long as you aren't trying to like break him and his wife up there isn't a problem

    so you like his company, and being with himn

    you know its only friendship...

    no big deal

  4. then enjoy your friendship and do not think of him like more than a friend!!

  5. if you value his friendship and want him to be apart of your life, just accept the fact you are better off having him strictly as a friend..

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