
Why is it not allowed to talk on the phone on a plane?

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On every flight they tell you to turn off your cell phone. Why?




  1. When a plane is taking of, flying, or landing they can't see everything - most of what they're doing is actually from someone behind a desk telling them where to go. (this is why they have those 'goofy' looking headphones) And when you receive or send a textt, voice mail, and/or a call it causes an interruption. If it's only one or two phones they can handle the interruption, but if there are too many interruptions it can cause an accident.

  2. They also tell you in their information kit why cellphones(and other electronic equipment) must be turned off at time of take-off and landing, and other times during the flight.

    The reason is that radio waves from these gadgets can interfere with the radio system of the airplane.

  3. Because it interferes with the navigation and communication systems.

  4. The signal from your cell will interfere with electronics and navigation devices.  For example, a cell phone can dis-engage the auto pilot on the MD-80.

  5. It disturbs the planes electrical stuff.

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