
Why is it not fair?? i hate my mum and dad

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i am 16 and have recently left school after doing my gcse exams (i had 15 exams), and i tried really hard and am predicted mostly B grades. i will get my results in 2 weeks and then i have to enrol for my 6th form college where i will be studying A-levels.

i am not sure which A-levels to choose (law,accounting,english and need 1 more) so i asked my parents to help me and they didnt help much.

when i am 18 i want to go to university and my mum just said that i wont go to uni because i wont pass my exams and then my dad called me a failure

i am so upset they are always putting me down and my dad just shouted at me saying turn my music off and do some studying or reading. AM I NOT ALLOWED A BREAK IT IS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS they are so mean to me and always tell me to get a job because they had 1 when they were my age

they dont understand that times have changed and that exams are harder and that it is common for people to study A-levels (in the UK) but just because they didn't when they were my age they have no right to say all this to me.

i am crying now because my dad called me a failure its not fair and i have nobody to talk to because my best friend isnt speaking to me properly and my other best friend isnt clever so she doesnt really care about her future

what can i do i am so upset




  1. aww im so sry =[

    don't let them get in ur head, if u truly work hard u'll get wat u want

    just don't overwork urself

    nobody's a failure unless they stop trying and give up

  2. Follow your dreams sweetheart.  You are on the right track.  I am sorry that your own parents are so cruel.  Could it be that is the way they grew up?  You will not be living with them forever and your life is what you make of it.  Good luck.

  3. well i would just try talking to your parents tell them that it hurts you when they say that stuff to you just let them know how you feel...its not good to keep those kind of things in trust me i know i had a situation like that with my dad and never said how i felt and when i finally did things got a lot just talk to them it couldn't hurt to try and if talking to them doesn't work i would just leave but im not saying to do that cause that's just me but anyway i hope things get better for you.

  4. Listen to your Parent`s

  5. you poor thing! i know how u feel bc i was doubted by my parents -- eventhough it was only occassional, it was already very hurtful...!

    i know it is tough but i will still suggest u to open up to your parents and talk to them about how u are feeling right now. you could try showing them your study material / hw and let them see exactly how difficult the stuff is.

    then calmly CALMLY ask if they could sit down and just listen for a moment. tell them what they are saying to you is very hurtful and when they call u a failure or doubt ur abilities, you will feel very ashamed and will believe yourself to be a failure. tell them you would much prefer support from them bc it is very important to you.

    i'm pretty sure they love you too much but are expressing themselves wrongly. tell them it's ok to be softer with you bc you won't slack off bc of a less harsher tone.

    tell them that you do care about your future and are working hard to reach ur goals and dreams but to do so, you would need their love and support.

    the first conversation will be very hard, but it will be worthwhile and it will get easier... let them know how u feel and let yourself understand how they really feel.

  6. when u calm down sit your parents down and tell them it seems they always put u down... tell them how u feel when they put u down.. maybe they don't even realize what they say..

  7. **** them ( sorry for the bad language, but in this case, it needs to be said ). You're no failure. Prove it to them, and then be the bigger person and forget that they said that.

    Invoke that inner fire, and leave them in the dust with your kick *** earnings. When you're making twice as much as your dad, you can sit back and laugh ( not in the presence of your parents, lol )

    :D maaahaaahaaahaaa

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