
Why is it not good to drink dark sodas are any soda like coccola pepsi dr.pep are light drinks?

by Guest66948  |  earlier

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Why is it not good to drink dark sodas are any soda like coccola pepsi dr.pep are light drinks?




  1. if we didn't drink everything they said was not good for us.. our choices would be limited.

    i think the clear sodas like sprite and 2up maybe better for the kidneys??

  2. Yeah I hear that too, I don't think the color but more the chemicals they put in them, just do some research on your favorite dark sodas and don't over do it. Moderation is key!

  3. Why are you only saying dark soda's?

    Carmel color isn't that bad.

    All soda's light or dark contain high contents of sugar, high fructose sweeteners or artificial sweeteners.

    So basically all are no good for you.

    Then many also contain alot of caffeine.

    Light or dark, they aren't healthy( but of course I drink them).

    Moderation is the key.

    Don't overdo it.

  4. Well Soda has a LOT of sugar in it.

    Coke zero claims to not have any sugar though.

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