
Why is it not in the news today about the Impeachment Rally in DC?

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There are thousands of people in DC right now and yahoo is talking about a donkey in a well, Cnn is talking about c**p in the middle east and others are talking about Paris or Britney? There are thousands of people in DC trying to oust the President of the USA, why is this not in Media Coverage!?




  1. the march is a big joke

  2. It wasn't a rally to impeach Bush, it was a rally to end the war.

    And it was on the news. I don't know what time you posted your question, but the protesters didn't start marching until around 2 p.m., it takes a bit of time to write and post an article or video clip.

  3. Because they are commercial operations and the "rally" doesn't amount to even a "blip" on the ratings chart. However it does bring to mind a revision  of a very popular t-shirt slogan from the Vietnam Era: "What if they had a rally and no one noticed?".

  4. Because no one cares anymore!  Impeachment is a moot point now because the election is in 14 months.

  5. Ummm...'cause (as much as I admire them) it's a hopeless cause.  We need TENS OF THOUSANDS marching before we can capture's Sunday, for cryin' out loud.  No one is at work.  What good is marching in D.C. on a weekend?

    Edit:  How funny.  I just went to the Yahoo! homepage, and your story is in thier top headlines.

  6. because people should find better uses of their time

  7. go drink some more koolaid. You can't impeach the President you moron.

  8. the media onjly covers things that they feel they can make a buck off of, or twist around to make a buck. maybe the language isn't plain enough, they got to make more noise or do something dramatic , like have a million person march on the capitol with ******  *********    ******** of bush.

  9. Actually that news tid bit is all over the internet news sites, don't you know that you can't get real news from the television. Plus, the march is pointless and is just symbolic; there is no where near enough support to get President Bush impeached.

  10. I was watching the demonstration in DC. It seemed to be ANTI-WAR in nature. Not an impeachment proceedure.

  11. Most likely because the White House Press Corps wants it that way. Since the major media tv and radio stations are owned by major PAC  contributors and media is manipulated, it's unlikely to be covered or coverage will be very little.

    I did see a little blurb about it on ABC today, though.

  12. Because the People don't Impeach anyone, it is up to the congress, who even though controlled by Democrats, have more sense than you.

    There is no impeachable offense with which to charge our president.

    Get over it.

  13. One does not foul ones own nest.

  14. Haven't you heard about the free world, the free press, freedom of expression, civil society, democracy, and stuff like that?

    It is a bit tough to explain, but what you are talking about is a manifestation of some of those issues!

  15. you know people would start screaming "liberal media liberal media aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

  16. It is now, what a bunch of dumb people out there, heaven forbid if they picked up a news paper and read it or watched the news, to be young and dumb like they are.... so sad my daughter was in the Army because she WANTED to defend her country, to help keep us free.


  17. Because Rupert Murdoch owns the media. And guess who owns him?

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