
Why is it not okay for men to cheat, but it's acceptable for women to do so?

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When a man cheats, he's "evil" and a "dog" and a "snake", and is openly condemned for it.

When a woman cheats, it's "romantic" and "s**y" and "fun". She is celebrated for it. Just look at all the romance novels, movies, and soap operas that show cheating as being great.

Women also use the excuse of being "unloved" and "unappreciated" as reasons for cheating. Men aren't allowed to do that.

Why is that?




  1. hey i cheated once on a guy and my reason was cuz i felt unloved.. BUT it still was wrong.. and by no means is it acceptable... i felt so bad and felt like such a s***k for doing it... i wont ever do it again.

    its not acceptable for either s*x's

  2. because women are easy to be convience  

  3. Well where I'm from they make it the other way around, Its ok for men but not women. My opinion  its bad all together. Cheating is wrong.  It doesn't matter what the excuse is or anything. Every guy i have ever been with has cheated on me. And i believe cheating is for people who need to grow up.

  4. i don't know where you got this from but it's never okay to cheat -- whether you're a man or a woman.

  5. I don't think it acceptable for either s*x to cheat.  They are still lying and being disrespectul, and regardless of what s*x they are that it is still wrong.  

  6. I agree that it is portrayed that way in soaps and stuff. It is a horrible thing for either s*x to have had this done to them and i can relate to that. I would never cheat on my partner as if i ever wanted to I would end the relationship as I obviously would not feel the same way about them. There is no excuse for cheating and it is filthy. It is not a question of which s*x is allowed to cheat, its a question of why would you ever do this and think how both people will feel, it is very hurting if you love someone a lot.

  7. I agree with you on theory,but cheating is 1000% wrong regardless of your s*x. Its a very disrespectful thing to do that not only impacts your life but everyone in your family too.(husband,wife,children) There is no excuse for cheating. People use the excuse of feeling unloved, unappreciated...cry me a river. Those are excuses cheaters use to pass the blame to their partner so they don't feel so crappy about the pain they have caused.If you have issues and feel so unloved then leave. If things were so terrible then they shouldn't be in that relationship. When someone cheats on you it breaks something inside you and its hard to repair that part of your soul. So...Cheating no matter who it is....IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Pa, it is NOT okay for girls to cheat.. It may have been portrayed that way in a Novel or Soap Opera.. but in real life Girls who cheat are considered s***s and the "w" word.  I have never heard it the way you put it.. where I come from guys do not settle with girls who have been around.. and those that cheat get left.. because Men love harder than women do...

    Do you live in the U.S. by any chance?  Just wondering.. But maybe because I live in the conservative mid-west maybe its how we view things like this. I know people are different in more liberal states which is cool.. but unfortunately I happen to live in Ohio where it is all conservative and society here is very harsh.  So, Man or Woman you can't get away with cheating.  

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