
Why is it not the right thing to do to tell the father of your unborn child you miscarried when he .....?

by  |  earlier

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im scared that he win my baby because i am on probation for hitting my ex husband and i have tried to kill myself before i knew i was pregnant :(




  1. no court will take your baby off you and give it to your ex, unless you are proven to be an unfit mother, he sounds a k**b, leave him move away which you can!!! there is nothing to stop you doing this, and move on with your life!

  2. I understand what you are trying to say and yes you need to get away, if saying you had a miscarriage is the only way you know how then go for it. You have to do what is best for you and your unborn child. After you tell him this then leave where ever you are at, move to another state at least a different city. When you have the baby put father unknown on the birth certificate. Good luck honey, at least you are smart enough now to realize you shouldnt be around him. Be safe

  3. First of all, leave him, even if it is sneaking away without him knowing. Get as far away as you can.

    Secondly, it is very difficult for the father to "take away" your child through legal means. The courts tend to favor the mother. They would take his income into consideration as well.

    Even if you weren't pregnant I think you should leave but it's even more imperative that you do so soon.

    Good luck!

  4. Leave NOW, before the child is born. It is not a child until it is born.  Get out and do not tell him where you are going.


    Get the h**l away from that piece of ****! For you and your babies well being.

  6. I have read it twice now Hun and still cant decipher what your talking about sorry

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