
Why is it now hitting me?

by  |  earlier

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I was draving to shool this morning with me lil cuz and it was raining and my tires looked up and i started sliding some how i stay on the wheeles and on the road. We are fine didn't hit anythibng but i get to school and it hits me how bad it could have been then i start freking out but after it happen I was fine!




  1. At the time adrenoline (sp?) and other similar things shooting through your blood will work to calm you down a little and make you focus on finishing the job you were doing (getting to school).

    These have now worn off and you are starting to realise what really could have happened.

  2. shool huh? you obviously need more of it!

  3. Delayed reaction, Don't worry about it, it will pass.

  4. (PTS) Post Traumatic Shock...........

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