
Why is it ok for Biden to say stupid things like?

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If you go to a 7-11 or Dunkin donughts you need to have a slight Indian accent or Obama is a articulate, bright, clean nice looking, young man

if a republican had said that he or she would have been roasted




  1. 10 - 4 Double Standard exists. Political Correctness and the racist monocure is generally only applied to those of use who "Cling to our guns, and God."

    I could give one rip about Obama's name or color, what I do care about and find totally distasteful is his intent and policies.

  2. Biden is a good hearted fella who sometimes puts his foot in his mouth. If a Republican said it, they would be serious. They're racists.

  3. i agree that a republican would have been roasted! i am voting for Mccain, but i still like joe Biden. he tells it like it is. i rather doubt if the truth were known that he is not really fond of Obama either.

  4. It just shows that in this world there are still culturally insensitive people.  Even holier-than-thou Democrats are guilty of it.  

  5. He's an idiot so as Palin who told Iraqi War was God's plan.

  6. are you serious........  Republicans say far worse than that all the time.  they not only get away with it, they get awards for it.

  7. This was all taken out of context and even so he wasn't being serious.

    How is it not racist to call Obama a terrorist and a muslim extremist because of his name?

  8. because they are hypicrits.  

    typical democrat doublespeak

  9. Follow the racists, McCain has made no such statements. That was Hillary's camp during the primaries. At least get the facts straight.

    EDIT To Art of War:

    Have you read the transcript? She didn't say the troops were on a task from God. "pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right for this country – that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God, that’s what he have to make sure we are praying for, that there is a plan and that it is God’s plan.”

    She said to pray that our leaders were doing things according to God's will, and to pray that there is a plan and that that plan is according to God's will.

    At least read the entire quote to get the context correct.

  10. biden has ADHD

  11. It's the double standard. You're allowed to be white and racist as long as you vote democrat.

  12. its the liberal double standard in acion. just like its ok for them to be sexist now, sayingh things like, Can Palin handle the VP and take care of the family?

  13. Because racism is a double standard in this country.

    Just like Obama basically stated at the beginning of his campaign that Western Pennsylvanians were basically bible thumping rednecks who hang on religion and guns.

    Yet if I say that Obama is a poster boy for affirmative action, I would be considered a Klan member.

  14. why is it ok for McCain to call obama a muslim terrorist?

  15. Because Libs have thier head in the sand.

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