
Why is it ok for Men to be overweight but not Women??

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Have you noticed that large men get a lot of lead roles in movies but most movies put the thin women in the movies unless the part calls for a larger woman. Why is that???




  1. A majority of our standards for beauty are based on gender sterotypes. Women are thought to be more emotional creatures, and thus more excepting of imperfections, whereas men are thought to be visual creatures and are thus only attracted to looks.

    Hollywood has standards, and they aren't enough people challenging them to change. That being said, guys are generally allowed to age gracefully, as it seems to make them look more attractive, whereas women are supposed to do everything in their power to retain their youth in order to remain s**y and attractive.

    It's sad, but true.

  2. Why is it ok for straight men to be overweight but not straight women?

    Cause men "rule" and there's a lot of pressure to be appealing to men... whatever you're a straight woman or a g*y man.

  3. Not for g*y men, Sweetie. There's an unrealistic expectation placed on g*y men to have these flawless muscled bodies with the six-pack abs, the perfect teeth, the perfect skin and tan, and the large hard p***s which they want to nothing but have s*x with.

    Oh and don't forget about the DESIGNER clothes and all the expendable money that we are supposed to have. That's what the g*y male stereotype has become.

    As far as straight men, probably because those in power to cast the movies are over-weight straight men who want to make it acceptable to be fat, for other hetero over-weight men, but they want the model thin wife. It's SO transparent. Why would a lovely woman want a fat man?

    And I know that looks aren't that important but come on! It's like most movies and commercials portray that type of relationship. Or the man is like 3 times older than the woman. Blech!!!!

  4. Because secretly we think it's all right for a man to be fat; he can be successful and have a career and be powerful. A woman, however, can only be totally happy with a husband, and as such should make herself sexually attractive

    While this doesn't hold true anymore, somehow that idea, or some semblance of it, remains.

  5. Because 95% of film studio Big Wigs, Directors, and Producers are men. So they are looking at the casting list of hot women and don't care much about if the guy isn't hot.

  6. men control media.

  7. its not ok

  8. Basically because gender equality is a bunch of bull s**t. Why can women wear mens clothes but men cant wear women's without being called crossdressers? Why can women be tomboys but it's not socially accepted for men to be girly..

    That's life, you gotta accept the social norms or be an outcast..

  9. I know exactly what you are talking about. Like even in TV shows such as 'King of Queens' or even 'Family Guy" or 'The Simpsons' Its really annoying actually, most of the time the guy int he movie isn't even cute, Like 'knocked up', he is very un-s**y, and right now he's on the cover of GQ magazine. I think it comes down to the unrealistic part and I guess it makes the movie funnier.

    Edit: Also, not all, but most of the time if a larger woman is in a show or movie, she is usually made into a mockery, like "Norbit". Personally I think thicker female celebrities are attractive, Such as Jennifer Hudson and America Ferrara. People just need to stop being so shallow.

  10. Blame it on the patriarchal nature of society.

  11. because of advertisement, think about it, if a movie has a good plot and some ok looking actors, women will go for the plot, men on the other hand might just go to a film because a certain babe is in it, do you understand what i'm trying to say? hope i helped

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