
Why is it ok for a 16 yr boy not to be a virgin and a 16 yr girl it is frowned upon?

by  |  earlier

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b/c w/ guys its ok but with a girl it is negative. not sayin that they are both ok.




  1. It's called by many names, such as misogyny. Regardless of the social norms applied and the appellation, it is nothing less than gender-based discrimination. It's a method of controlling women, which is abhorrent in this day and age.

  2. We all know that society creates unfair double standards for different groups of people. This is just one example. Just look at how many different names you can give "female" compared to how many you can give "male". Most of the female words have a sexual connotation attached.

    I think it's mainly because, if something goes wrong (pregnancy), the girl is the one who can't possibly deny that it was her and, more often than not, she gets to reap the repercussions. Then this whole "well it's her own fault" attitude is forced on her because there's no way to prove the blame of the man who was equally as involved.

    There's no way to justify it. It's wrong, unfair and it needs to be fixed.

  3. Hoenstly I know!

    A guy can have s*x with 50 girls and be known as a player and everyone love him, but then the girl sleeps with someone and is automatically a s**t.

  4. I wish i knew. Both girls and guys want it so it does not seem it should matter that much.

  5. Because this is society....and society is messed up. The biological reason is, girls are supposed to find the RIGHT mate to do it with whilst guys are supposed to do as many as possible.

  6. Double standards. And even then, its not always like that anymore. Women embracing their sexuality is becoming more and more accepted.

    Though, if you ask me, its not ok for either. 16 year olds have more to worry about than s*x.


    Just me.

  7. society is a bunch of FuCCheads  

  8. I think they both are fine, personally.  It isn't just ok for a 16 year old boy to not be a virgin -- its preferred for most.  


  9. it's just a double standard .

    there are many other things though that are fine for girls but frowned upon for males, so it's hard to say it's unfair ( though it really is .. :P )

  10. they are both frowned upon by the more conservative crowds and encouraged for expressing love with the more liberal populations

    ive lived in both california (10yrs) and georgia (4yrs)

  11. because of the eviil society and their f*cked up gender roles. Boo gender roles! >:[

  12. Because people look at it as sure little Timmy just banged 10 girls last night, but if something goes wrong he wont be the one who is pregnant and have to deal with his mistake for the next 18 years.....

    While if a girl Bangs 10 guys in one night and gets pregnant it could bring like a sort of "SHAME" upon her family and ruien her life.

  13. what i never heard such a thing I only have 2 besties that are virgins [ 7 of us ] no1 frowns on us n if they do then they can step to us n deal with it then

  14. Simple answer. It isn't. Women have always been beneath in every aspect. No matter what the subject. Society in America believes the exact same notion. So they make them believe that it's okay when it ain't. They're not any better than us. So it's never ok. Ever. Nasties.

  15. well you see its like this a dad comes home and his daughter is having s*x and he grabs his gun

    a dad comes home and his son is having s*x and he grabs his camera

  16. Because 'boys' are special...ain't that right fellas?  Hahaha...

  17. Because our culture is a messed up one.

    We really need to let go of the past and look towards now...


  18. This is news to me because i've never heard such a thing. I thought minors are considered "innocent"?

  19. Its a double standard.

    Sad isn't it?

    Guys turn into players, which is a positive in society.

    While girls turn into s***s.


  20. Because girls get pregnant and boys don't. There are more girls than boys. Boys are encouraged to spread it around and girls are encouraged to be more selective. One boy can have as many children in a year as he can find willing partners. One girl will only be able to have one child in a year no matter how many partners she finds.

  21. It's kinda stupid how society puts it like that. Like how its said that a guy getting all the girls is ok but when it comes to a girl getting all the guys, it's like she's a tramp.

    I can see how it's unfair. I also think it could be that girls can get pregnant while boys can't and it's usually a bad thing to see 16-year-old girls pregnant. So if a 16-year-old is a virgin, that means she could have been pregnant and it looks bad.

    All that I'm saying is that today's society is messed up thinking that.

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