
Why is it ok for guys to be a little fat and for girls they are encourage to be skinny

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why is it ok for guys to be a little fat and for girls they are encourage to be skinny. people often say when talking about the difference between Girls and Boys is Boys are Fat and Girls are skinny and don't eat much. why is this?




  1. Idk i was wondering the same thing myself its bullshit guys are total douches sometimes when it comes to girls

  2. Double standards, it's also okay for guys to sleep with as many women as they want, but when a female does it, she's labeled a w***e!!

  3. I mean this in the nicest way possible...

    Society in general has higher standards for women--period.

    When a man is a bit sweaty, its s**y.

    A woman a bit sweaty, Ewww!

    A man who doesn't feel like shaving, 8'o clock shadow--no biggie

    A woman who doesn't feel like shaving, SLOB.

    A man who has wrinkled clothes on--we figure BACHELOR, give him a break.

    Woman who has wrinkled outfit, GEEZ! How lazy can you be?

    A guy gets drunk, cusses like an idiot and then has s*x with the first person who is willing, we slap him on the back and yell "Way to Go!!"

    A girls gets drunk, cusses, and has s*x with someone she just met, and she's a drunken white trash w***e.

    A man burps and farts, its funny.

    A woman does it, she's a pig.

    Getting the picture here? I do suppose that in some areas it goes the other way, society has a higher expectation of males in general. ie:

    A flat tire..

    A woman doesn't know how to change it, she's well, a girl.

    A man doesn't know how to change it, is he REALLY a man??

    A sad movie..

    A woman cries, she's a woman and emotional.

    A man cries and he's a sissy.

    And my ALL time FAVORITE!!


    A woman gets lost, she stops and asks for directions.

    A man?? He has some primal fear of admitting he is lost. I don't pretend to know what it is, but I know its VERY real to him. A man will drive 60 miles out of his way and be 3 hours late, rather than ask for directions. Maybe someone knows the answer to this, maybe I need to post this question, LOL!

    So, it is the "EXPECTATIONS" of society that have very different standards for men and women, starting with their weight and apparently ending with the statement "c**p! I think I'm lost!!"

  4. Because guys are more visual creatures and women are more sentimental creatures.  

  5. who says that? my man loves how i look. im no toothpick, i have curves in the right places he says. he says if i didnt have the @$$ that i have, he wouldnt be with me! lol.

    anyways, women want a big strong man. it makes us think about security. when we see a skinny skrawny guy, we think hes a wimp. (no offense) and guys want dainty girls who they can protect, so to speak. myself, on the other hand, i dont mind a little meat on my man. and he dont mind a little meat on me :)

  6. I think it's the other way around. Thick girls and plus size females have been accepted more and more in this society. I think guys get alot of pressure to have the abs and pecks. Don't get me wrong girls still go through body insecurity's..

  7. I don't think it's ok for guys to be fat.  And I have seen girls put some food away!

    It's too bad we have this cultural double standard.

    Everyone should be encouraged to live healthy.

  8. Because we live in a twisted world.  

  9. I know its bullshit

  10. because men tend to be big jerks... haha, that came odd really mean, not all men but they set the standards for the shape of wemon, they prefer thinner wemon.

  11. Girls feel that they have an image to keep up. They think that in order to be beautiful you have to be thin. If you ever notice, the popular girls in school are the ones that are skinny. If you gave a guy a choice between 2 girls; one fat, one skinny..the odds are they're gonna choose the skinny one.  

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