
Why is it okay for a female to be a sissy and a cry baby but not a male?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like a lot of men have contempt for sissies, but that's the way they want girls to be.




  1. I don't think it IS okay for a woman to be a cry baby.

    I used to be way too emotional. I even annoyed myself if I was crying for no valid reason by myself, in my room. So I quit sobbing over ever little thing.

    Women who cry to get out of speeding tickets or who cry in front of their boss or coworkers... seriously. Stop that.

  2. The whole point of being male is not being that way.

  3. No it does not, anyone calling you hairy or g*y on here is pranking you. Don't pay any attention.

    Anyway, its just as well men don't carry on like a gaggle of girls, where would we be if we did, god knows?

  4. I suppose because some females think those labels are cute.

  5. I cry all the time. It is OK for a male. It's 2008 and those stereotypes should be gone.

  6. why are you picking on us? you should ask those 1920's morons who taught their boys that men don't cry,so if you have a problem why you should ask your granparents.

  7. It's not ok.

    But in order to answer your limited and tunneled question, it is because females have a CHOICE, males do not.  

    Females can choose career or home, education or not, cry or not, be strong or be weak and never lose footing.

    How many women would respect a man who was a sissy and cry baby? You share in the stereotyping.

  8. The word "girl" is now an insult to a man who shows emotion.  On the other hand, it is hard to see anyone cry.

  9. I think crying can indicate emotion but if somebody does it a lot it can be used to manipulate people which is why some kids do it. It is really kind of immature unless you have a reason to do it.

  10. I don't think it is acceptable for females to be crybabies, they can be just as irritating as males.  Excessive crying should be discouraged in either s*x.  However, generally boys are expected to be tougher than girls, because generally boys ARE tougher than girls.

  11. My non-PC answer is this: it is usually mothers who tell boys to be stoic and emotionally reticent.  Female teachers were saying the same thing to boys in school as I grew up, and I am not that old (35).  The idea that men should be emotionally expressive: especially as regards crying, is quite recent.

    Living with "your heart on your sleeve" is a big burden on other people.  There are certainly times where it is appropriate for someone of either s*x to cry, but often it is either done to manipulate or indicative of a problem such as depression.  That is what told me I was suffering from it: a loss of emotional control that i kept private.  As the underlying cause was treated, the issue resolved.

    The "boys don't cry" attitude, is put about by females as much as it is claimed to be a dangerous form of male emotional repression, but I also believe that emotional control is essential, and emotional manipulation is degrading.  Thus I return to my claim that there are certain appropriate times to cry, be you male or female, but these certainly should not be all that common.

    As for the alleged desire of men to feel superior, consider modern society (especially the media and counsellors and the like) that constantly berates men for being closed off and emotionally reticent.  It is not really possible for most men to claim superiority in a modern society that exults femminine expressiveness (including crying) and criticizes male emotional expressiveness without being shouted down.

  12. Good question.  "Sissy" women are provocative (plays on the male psyche.)  However I am attracted to strong intelligent women.  As for why males are not allowed to be sissies, that's because we have been programmed by society (both men, women, teachers, the media, etc) to be that way.

    Ah yes, you are right.  A lot of men like to feel superior to women.  So smart, and/or tough minded women might be a turn off?

  13. I don't think either are acceptable. Crying all the time to people means that you're manipulative. Being scared of everything makes you negative and not a fun person to be around.

    Kind of goes both ways, or so I think.

  14. I think that either s*x deserves to be a sissy and a cry baby once in a great while.  Sometimes things happen in our life that causes us to deserve a good cry.  A good cry also make either s*x feel so much better.

    I think, if at all possible, it would be better not to do this among a lot of people unless it just can't be helped.  We can't always pick when and where these things happen.

    I also think, either s*x has the right and an obligation to release all of the frustration out of your system.  It makes you feel infigerated.  WOW!!  ENJOY!!

  15. It's okay by society's standards.  I personally don't think it's okay for anyone to be weak all the time.  Everyone is going to have periods of weakness; but spending your whole life sulking ain't on hit.  You gotta buck up, or buck out; no matter what gender you are.

  16. Not in my experience..I've had men call me a wimp/sissy in a bad and insulting way (my two exes would put me down by calling me weak, wimpy, whiny, etc), and they complain about dating women that are crybabies or how they would never date a sissy/crybaby woman.

    My ex also acted as if me being emotional was a bad thing, and would say "Pooja is a lot more practical than you..Why can't you be like that?"

  17. I don't think it's okay for females to be sissys or cry babys.  In my opinion, girls who do that are just begging for attention.

    And that's sad, no offense.  Really, I can tend to complain when I want someone to focus on me.  It's a horrible trait.

  18. Females are controlled by their emotions so we just accept you for what you are, guys use logic though, that's why we never get upset.

  19. I think it is due to to some delusion they possess about the 'ewig weibliche' to use a Goethian phrase. It is not that they want superiority per say but they are idealists of sorts and depict women as angelic, sensitive, gentle beautiful creatures far removed from the brutish inhumanity at times of men. It is part of their fantasy life, it is part of escapism. I do not think it is always for such egotistic reasons. For example, we do not view a lamb as inferior to a lion merely as it is not a ferocious killer. Lambs are sweet, gentle little animals which we equally adore for different reasons. We do not look down on them but admire the ideal. They are beautiful in their fragility. At least the more sentimental amongst us believe so.

    I do not think things are always as cynical or conspiracy riddled as you would implore us to think.

  20. its not okay to be a crybaby under any terms,

    unless your an actually baby, like infant.....O.o

    yeah. everyone should move on past that phase of their life, or they wont get to enjoy the rest of it.

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