
Why is it okay for a girl to act like a guy - tomboyish - but not okay for a guy to act like a girl?

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Just curious.




  1. for the same reason its not as weird when girls are g*y as it is when guys are

  2. Most women don't want a man who can pull off heels and a mini better than she can. I want a man who can protect me and provide for me..not that I can't provide for myself. I want a man who is tough and is gonna give it to me! Not some man that I have to coddle..I am not gonna raise a grown man. My sister is married to a man who is ultra fem and she hates it. He is too passive and is just plain weird. Give me a real man.

  3. The fact that most social organisations are male dominated, make the intrusion of a male homosexual unacceptable to most people. lesbians have always been acceptable even encouraged. because they are not a threat to the structure of the organisation.

    Male homosexuals will attempt to stop normal hetrosexual behavior, such as families and mating. A homesexual dominated organisation will be exclusive to male homosexuals. this is how they have operated throughout history, and it is how they are operating now. that is why homosexuals in the power structure have always been listed as an indicator of a society in decline. Entrophy

  4. A boy acting like a girl is a sign of weakness.

    A girl acting like a guy means she's tough, but it's still wierd.

  5. cause if a guy acts like a girl hes probly g*y, but girls are more flexible and know how to treat any situation

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