
Why is it okay for black people to use the n-word?

by  |  earlier

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but if a white person says it, they end up with a lawsuit




  1. Because there ignorant and most are uneducated.

  2. Who cares if a black person says it.

  3. For the same reason it's okay 4 girls to call each other  *****.


    and why do Some white people like you want to use the n word???

  5. i don't know.we all know that no harm has ever come from a white person calling a black person the n-word.It's not like white people have a history of using that word in a derogatory way towards black people.

    i just don't get it.

    Also why can 1 female call herself or one of her friends a ***** but if someone else calls them that they get upset.

    I am just to simple in the head to understand why it would be wrong for me to do the same thing.IF they do it then it must be okay.

    Even if them doing may also be stupid they still do it so i should be able to do it also.

    Come to think of it there are people that steal cars.I've always thought that i shouldn't do that but since other people do it then by golly i should be able to do it too.\

    There is absolutely nothing for me to gain by doing this i just want to do it so i can feel like i'm cool.No actually i want to do it just because i know i shouldn't

  6. white people can't get sued just for saying a word

    whoever told you that was a pretty ignorant person...........

  7. I don't know but where i used to live (If you where white)you couldnt put up the peace sign lol!Kinda they would think your weird kinda and they would use to make fun of me because i was white!(thats' why i'm shy)

    And If you would say that black person they would sometimes get mad but people called me that white girl!!!!!!Grrrrrr!

    but i hate how people can be  racist or Use prejudiced remarks!Also!

  8. Hello,

    I think it is much the same situation when you can call your mother or sister the B word but I sure cannot without problems from you.


    Michael Kelly

  9. it's not ok. some people say its a term of endearment.

    bottom line, whoever uses racial slurs, such as the N word and cracker, is an effing tard

    edit: youre not ignorant, you just asked a question.

    anyone who does call you ignorant *cough couch person below me cough* just needs something to say because they dont have an actual answer

  10. I'm sure you can find your answer here in this link

  11. it is never ok for anyone to use racist or prejudiced remarks, even about yourselves. by using negative words to describe yourself or those around you , you lower you own value.

  12. who knows but you don't get lawsuits you get bruises

  13. one of my previous questions;...

  14. This question has been asked a million times! why dont u look it up.

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