
Why is it okay to have Wimmin's Only Film Festivals -?

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but if I tried to organise a Mens' Only Film Festival, I'd be abominated as a sexist pig?




  1. There are man's only festivals.  Ask a preacher at an Evangelical Church about one type.  You can go to the Women's only festival, by law.  There are also Men's only cruises you can take although they are for homosexuals.

  2. Because feminism is Politically Correct and masculism isn't.

  3. What nonsense.

    Have you tried to organise a Men's Only Film Festival, or is this just a paranoid hypothetical?

    Come back and complain AFTER you've actually done something!

    Cheers :-)

  4. What's this silly nonsense about women directing films? Haven't you girls got enough to do with cooking, cleaning and bringing up babies?

    Okay, maybe you might be able to work as runners or even grips on vacuous chick flicks like Sleepless in Seattle or Love Actually or Bridget F*ck*ng Jones or something girly like that, but such slop is always better off being directed by men. Gives the pooftahs something to do and keeps them off real films sets, anyway.

    Face it, nobody wants to see films made by women. If Sofia Copolla had the same stones as Nick Copolla aka Nicolas Cage and changed her surname at least she'd demonstrate a little moral courage but The Virgin Suicides or Lost In Translation would never have happened because nobody would have shown the slightest bit of interest  in backing her.  Norah Ephron traded on her connections with Carl Bernstein to get her rotten novels published and used the funds to buy her way into Hollywood, and the only films she has made would actually be better if they were cut up for editing spacer. Gillian Armstrong made one fusty costume drama after another then laid a huge, putrid egg with Charlotte Gray. Mercifully she disappeared without trace after that stinker, but nobody in the UK film industry thanks her for taking Channel 4's film finance arm down with her. Just read the Wikipedia entry on female film directors ( - the vast majority are actresses who have managed to bullyrag studio executives into allowing them to direct some poncy, direct to video (if it found that wide an audience) drivel in exchange for grinding out a  few more bread and butter dramas as actresses - Sarah Polley, Jodie Foster, Soleil Moon Frye (who the h**l even heard of Sonny Boy, let alone saw it?) and Salma Hayek (ditto The Maranado Miracle) being the type specimens. Need I comment on Leni Reifenstahl, who should have been shot as a war criminal (for her films, not for her enthusiastic collaboration with the n***s*)? Since we quite rightly abominate the works of Veit Harlan, the director of the n**i atrocity Jud Suss, why do we venerate the director of Triumph of the Will? Because she was a woman? So was Irma Grese.

    Give it up, girls. Films directed by women will never account for anything but the tiniest proportion of industry output and, more importantly, industry income. Leave it to the men who know what they are doing.

    Mind you, that goes for almost everything, doesn't it?

    * "The book made a tremendous impression on me. I became a confirmed National Socialist after reading the first page. I felt a man who could write such a book would undoubtedly lead Germany. I felt very happy that such a man had come."  Leni Reifenstahl discussing Mein Kampf and Adolf Hitler - 23 April 1944

  5. I personally don't think there should be Women's film festivals, or Women's only sports.  I also don't think there should be Miss Black USA or Black only Universities.  If you wanna be equal, be equal all the way.  You can't turn around and oppress the people who oppressed you.  That would just start another friggin movement.  Thank you.  I will be here all night.

  6. You could organize a Men's Only Film Festival

    The only real difference would be you would probably have feminist groups protesting outside of it and no University or Government organization would give you funding

    But you could still legaly do it

  7. The only reason they are women only is because the films they make are that bad no man wants to go and watch them.

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