
Why is it on TV shows when in a Women is in Labor they say to boil water?In real life is boiled water needed?

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Why is it on TV shows when in a Women is in Labor they say to boil water?In real life is boiled water needed?what is the purpose of boiling water?




  1. the hot water was used with a rag as a hot compress to put on the perenium which allows it to stretch more easily and prevents tears.  it is very advisable to use warm compress during childbirth but most physicians would rather just cut you because.... what's it to them if you have a huge episiotomy that you have to deal with?

  2. your going to dip your hands in that water[once its hot so hot of course] but u know u have pull the baby out, well your also going to use that water to clean the baby.

  3. It's to make the water serialized to prevent infections and germs.

  4. its used to sanitize anything like their hands or instruments (in a hospital they would have a machine that cleans those tho).  if its a home birth (like how it usually is on tv shows) then it would be the best bet to make sure everything is clean, they could even use it to clean a table or somewhere for mom to laydown to have the baby

  5. They would use it to sterilize things, towels, rags, etc., as well as use a hot compress on the perineum (not boiling, but quite warm) to help the mother stretch so she did not tear.  

  6. i think it's so they have clean water to clean up the baby.  but not sure

  7. to make coffee, b/c it is gonna be a long night!!

  8. I have never heard of this. Boiling water sterilizes it.

  9. To sterilize all the stuff that is used in the delivery.

    IRL, everything used in the delivery is clean and sterile from the package.  (In a home birth, the midwife would let the mother know what items need to be prepared in advance, and what needs to be sterile. (To be honest, normal cleanliness (for most supplies and equipment)  is usually all that's needed. Infection is uncommon and, unlike 100-150 years ago, if a minor infection should occur, it could be easily treated.)

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