
Why is it only pot smokers get angry when they hear the physical and mental side affects?

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Is pot all they can think about?




  1. I don't get angry, I fully accept that it has certain side effects.  I think the reason some people get shirty is because many people are grossly misinformed about such matters and preach to the smokers with almost religious zeal.  Beware the fury of the righteous springs to mind.  :/

    And no, I haven't smoked pot for about three months; I don't think about it all the time, nor do I crave it.  

      I don't support teens smoking weed because that's the time of life it can really have negative effects such as inducing schizotypal behaviour, paranoia et al.  I do feel that it is something that should be more accessible to people; access meaning dispelling some of the myths, not just decriminalisation.  Inform the people of the truth and will it matter so much.

    Probably not.



  2. Maybe becasue they know its true and they just dont want to face the music and actually listen to what they have to say!

    Or maybe they are in denial!

  3. I personally never smoked pot (hint hint)

    but I can't imagin what physical and mental side effects there are

    except the body feels light and brain activty increases and brain power increases

    ciggs on the other hand, they're no good

  4. The side effects aren't facts, they are propaganda for the right wing sheep who think pot is worse that alchohol or tobacco

  5. Because they have successfully convinced themselves that pot is not harmful to their health.

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