
Why is it people are afraid to give up meat?

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Why is it that people won't stop eating meat?




  1. AFRAID????   What does fear have to do with it at all? ... I LIKE the taste of meat!   ....  You really should know the meaning of a word, before you use it in a sentence

  2. when and if people could see how animals are kept  befor they are slaughtered and the traspotation of these poor animales to slaughter houses believe me if you are a animal lover you would STOP eating animals, people eat animals because its easy fix just slap it on a dirty grill  to hide the taste of antibiotics & hamones  

  3. People like me love meat, I hate the fact that you have to kill animals though. -Marty Jean Baker

  4. I hardly believe that many people are afraid to give up meat.  I just see no need to alter my diet.

  5. Because people are stupid. Simple.  

  6. Free will? Seriously though, I don't think it's fear. I think a lot of people just enjoy meat. It's easy, convenient, and delicious to them. It's the same reason so many of us are married to our cars instead of biking, walking, or taking the bus. It's what we've always done, it's easy, it's convenient, it works for us, and it's our choice.

    Would you start eating meat just because someone else thought that it was a better way to eat and live? Probably not... everyone has their own motivations and sets of ethical standards, for better or for worse.

  7. I won't stop because I see nothing wrong with it and I love to grill NY strips on Friday evenings.

  8. I'm not so sure that people are afraid to give up meat exactly, I think some people are generally just afraid of change.  I mean most meat eaters are brought up from a very young age eating animal products, so it's the norm for them and some people really find it hard to accept change and adapt to it without worry, and getting all worked up about it.  

    Also, people are still under the impression that we, as humans have a dependency on meat products, that they serve a god like purpose in our diets and if we don't eat them we will get sick.  Sadly this isn't true, but some people can't get a meat free diet round thier heads at all.  

  9. If they did, their canines would be rendered useless.

  10. I'm not sure if it's fear, exactly. Why are people resistant to abstaining from meat? I am not sure. When I made the decision, I was not afraid of anything. I wanted to help animals and be healthier.

    As people give up meat for a variety of reasons, as long as the motivations are strong, there usually is little fear of the "unknown". LOL.

    But seriously, I think that a meat-laden diet is very much a part of Western culture. Anything else is seen as abnormal and maybe that's why people choose to continue to eat it - they don't want to rock the boat.

    Another reason I think people don't stop is becuase a LOT of people have no idea where their meat comes from. When omnis engage me in a convo about my dietary choices, I answer their questions and explain certain things that I've learned. Before I start with the truly gross parts, I specifically ask them, "Do you *really* want to know about it?" 9 times out of 10, they don't. To me, that indicates that if they indeed knew the truth, they'd feel differently about eating meat. To them, ignorance is bliss I suppose.

  11. People are resistant to change, and eating meat is very easy in our modern society.  If people had to butcher their own meat, I don't think they'd be afraid to give it up anymore.

  12. Many people were raised eating meat and it is a comfort that they do not want to go without.

    If someone were considering giving it up they might be afraid of things like:

    -What their friends and family will say

    -Their health deteriorating

    -Not being able to eat socially

    -Failing and going back to meat

    Of course, friends and family should be (and usually are) supportive, in most cases your health improves, there are plenty of things to eat when you go out (see website) and even if you go back to meat it doesn't have to be a failure - you can simply keep trying.

  13. No idea. Same reason why people today choose to smoke (for the first time, not those who are addicted already.) It is entirely bad for you yet they defend it and keep eating it.

    Meat causes heart disease & strokes. as well as a whole bunch of other fatal diseases.

    "Its death for no reason

    And death for no reason is murder."

  14. We aren't going to stop. There is nothing wrong with meat, contrary to popular brainwashed veggie belief. Humans are omnivores, always have been, always will be.

  15. because of all the oxtmorons they here about it being bad for their health.

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