
Why is it people love side bets here in the US?

by Guest60908  |  earlier

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Been to the Billiards Club of Louisville in Fern Creek, Kentucky at 5404 Bardstown Road. Can't say much for these big time players. Breezed through them. A lot of people taken side bets. Why is this and what other kinda bets are there? What is stint action?Still ain't nobody can beat me in the best of 21 racks in 8 Ball or 9. IIlinois watch out.




  1. After you leave Illinois, (if you still have any cash - no checks please) the next state west is Missouri. Missouri is called "The Show Me" state. Throw your brag around all you want but you'll have to show us here in mighty Mo.

    By the way Julia and Rhonda said they're ready. In fact Suki Cooper wants a call when you're in town. We call this South Korean warrior Samurai Suki around here. She slices and dices her opponents into itty-bitty pieces.

    Write it down - Cue & Cushion, Overland, St. Louis County.

    Hey Johnny, I know $100 isn't much but if you want to lay off half let me know. He may not have any travelling money left after leaving Illinois and Missouri.


  2. Still waitin in Tx got a hundred on the side you wont show up

    If you do it wont take long to get it back

  3. Ram has a good idea ask for Scotty or Shipwreck.

    Good Luck


    ps you'll need it

  4. There is also a place called Secrets in Shreveport, LA they will welcome your money...errr competitive spirit I mean. You'll find it on Jewella Ave off I-20

  5. Side bets can sometimes determine the winner, if its setup for someone to make the side bet, and depending on what

    will interest the player, he may even throw the game, as long as he makes money on  the game.

    It is unfortunate, but not really, that pool is about winning money, and not winning the game.

    you went to some town in Kentucky, and now you think you are going to illinois, and kick some butt?.

    All I can say is good luck my friend as you will need it.

    Go and play In Chicago, go play some one pocket, even your games of 8 and 9, and you will gain some experience. You will say well, at least I learned some things, and everything is not lost. But yes go in there cocky, they will love You there.

    I do have to tell you, a word of good advice, and that is, make sure of your surroundings, before you start opening your mouth, or start winning, and when you come back, let us Know How you did, I wish you Health and Luck.

  6. side betting lets the nobodys and knits that hang around pool halls today get in the action. its real big around here to have more money bet on the side, than the actual game itself. The Carolina's ( thats South and North ) have a wide variety of great players i would be more than glad to give you names and address to find all the action you want down here

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