
Why is it people obssess over trying to impress people?

by Guest61891  |  earlier

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Srsly, spending your time trying to impress others will only lead them unto the assumption that you are the kind of person who is only good for it when people are down.

Does it not bother you that your primary means of communication relies on people being depressed?




  1. Im just not doing that..

  2. ego, power tripping,  

  3. I cannot be bothered really, I do not have the energy.

  4. yea dude, i don't do that... in fact I'm the one everybody is trying to impress.

  5. Because that's what you have to do in this world to succeed. For example, you have to make good grades for a good college to accept you. The better the college, the better chance you have at making it. When you play sports, the better your stats, the better chance you have playing pro.  

  6. Insecurity

  7. i dont obsess over trying 2 impress yeah

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