
Why is it people that ask sarcastic questions are offended when they get a sarcastic/backhanded answer?

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Why is it people that ask sarcastic questions are offended when they get a sarcastic/backhanded answer?




  1. Because they expect you to say, "Well....its their first amendment right to say what ever they want.  Its America after all."  Well, its also our right to call'em out.  If they're full of $hit, then its also our Constitutional right to tell them...."YOU'RE FULL OF $HIT!!"

    They become far too accustom to not being called to the carpet on whatever bs they wish to push down the pike.

  2. It is easier to dish it out then they can take it

    My mother once barked at me "do you want to know what your brothers and sister think of you?"

    and I replied "yes, and do you want to know what they THINK OF YOU!?"

    My mother just got mad and stormed away saying "NO!"

    Bullies can dish it out but cannot  take it

  3. The scary thing is, they were probably dead serious.

  4. They don't like to get hung on their own Petard when they behave like a r****d.

  5. I assume its because they are actually too ignorant to realize that they asked for your response! Also, some people will ask you a sarcastic question and then PRETEND that they  "didn't mean it that way".  I have always heard that if a comment feels like it was delivered below the belt, then more than likely it was.

  6. Boy, you got that one right! The Nokia Seal guy that posts around here a lot is a classic example. He posts the most outrageous questions and then acts like you are attacking him personally if you make a sarcastic answer. I guess it's a sign of low self-esteem or something. You should see some of the email he has sent me over the months!! Very sad, though... and more than a little creepy.

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