
Why is it prohibited to use cellular phones at gas stations?

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i just get a little irritated when i see the sign saying "turn off your cell phone". what is it for?




  1. Cell phone batteries can explode, which would be a real danger if that happens while you're pumping gas.

  2. Its not the cell phone but rather if you should drop the cell phone and the battery should strike the concrete, that could cause it to ignite the gas flumes..

  3. It is about covering them, the gas stations, from lawsuits.

    It is rumored however unlikely that a cell phone can cause vapors of gas to explode.

    The stations are erring on the side of caution if they put that warning up.

  4. my guess... no loitering or holding people back tryingto pump gas. Must be a busy gas station.  

  5. because you can cause a spark from the electric wave being sent from your phone or being sent to you and you can go BOOM!!!!!!

  6. first your there to fuel your car so do that. after that  leave and do the stupid gabbing later.<

  7. because supersticious people think it will start a fire. Mythbusters did something on this

  8. Cell phones do not cause fires.  However, gasoline is a dangerous, poisonous, flammable, and explosive commodity, and anybody who is so cavalier when handling it as to yak on a cell phone while responsible for the pumping of it is a dangerous, self-importand fool.  I don't care if somebody wanders off while somebody else pumps the gas, but, while you, or I, or anybody pumps it, we have to pay attention or expect to have the phone removed from your hand and your call terminated by somebody with a greater sense of responsibility.    

    I have seen what happens when an idiot mishandles gasoline.  A careless person was responsible for gas splashing into my brother's eyes when he was younger.  You never want to hear the screams from anybody when that happens, and I doubt you want to be on the receiving end of such stupidity, either.

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