
Why is it...?

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Why is it that that some races don't tip well? Black people in general. I'd say about 90% of tips i've received from black people are bad. I know black servers that also complain about this. I live in PA not too far from Philly. If you don't want to tip or at least tip what is recommended then don't go to a place where the server makes $2.36/hour and relies only on tips!




  1. Come on man don't be like that.  Maybe some people just don't have a lot of money to tip that much.  Not to be insensitive but tipping isn't mandatory. I think a lot of servers just expect at least a 20% tip no matter how bad/good their service is.

    If you hate your job and dealing w/the public then quit. You are in the wrong business. Maybe your service sucks (your attitude sure does) and you don't deserve a tip.

  2. I really don't believe that tipping should essentially be mandatory, i believe in tipping if the service meets the standard qualifications. For example: if a waitress takes more then 20min  in just getting my soft drinks, their is something wrong. ( they wont be getting a tip). On the other hand if the service is great not necessarily fast, and the waiter/ess keeps me informed of my plate then i feel like no one is ignoring me. Maybe people dont tip anymore because waiters have become a custom to getting tips. BOTTOM LINE TIPS SHOULD BE BASED ON PERFORMANCE NOT  THE PERCENTAGE OF A BILL!!!!

  3. I wont tip anyone! If they are stupid enough to apply for jobs where they are exploited and have to rely on handouts to survive that's their problem.

    If they all resigned and refused to work for such sweat shop style wages , relying on begging from clients this might wake up the employer to pay real wages. After all most of these places serve only designer meals in my opinion.

    No food but lots of drizzle around the plate! But when it comes to paying the bill for this super diet the hit is usually far in excess of the value provided.

    Tipping is an American habit and in my opinion again, is a condescending manner that harks back to blackman and slave treatment. DONT TIP it encourages employers to exploit their workers

  4. Here's my 10% worth.

    A. Tipping is not mandatory. If you give me crappy service, you get a crappy tip. Same goes the other way for good service.

    B. Nationally, the average is 15%, you doing good to get 20%

    C. Here's your tip....give better service.

    I watch you all from my kitchen, and you should all be ashamed of the service you give my customers. Shut up and get table 5 some water!!

  5. Let's not forget that there are plenty of other races that don't tip as well. And for the ignorant and self righteous idiot that wrote don't tip. Could you please stop supporting these places of "slavery" by going out to eat. If you have a problem with tipping then don't go out to eat! And I will promise not to come to your job and waste your time and money! Also FYI- when you don't tip you are actually stealing from the server that waited on you, because we are required to tip  out bussers and bartenders on your meal no matter what your tip is I have to pay a percentage of your meal to them.
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