
Why is it "Lost in Translation" when the Mexicans want to protect their comic book character, "Memin Pinguin"

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but it is not "lost in translation" but considered racist by the Illegal immigrants when U.S. Citizens demand that laws be enforced against Illegal Immigrants? Why must we say "undocumented" when illegal is the correct term? I believe we U.S. Citizens have a right to be "up in arms" about these inequalities, what do you think?




  1. "Please press 1 for English"

  2. My wife just showed me what you're talking about. for those of you (which I imagine is most of you) who don't know what this is about.

    I find it utterly pathetic that anyone would be offended by a cartoon, but then I wasn't really surprised that it was "Shawnedria" who got all offended by that in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, Shawnedria needs to shut up, stop whining and get a grip. I'm saddened by the fact that Walmart pulled the books from their shelves because that just shows us that, once again, the sissification of America is well on its way. I don't even think that has anything to do with illegals or Latinos as a whole. It's a freaking cartoon and it's caricatural by definition. There are plenty of cartoons with obvious racist connotations and Memin is not one of them. I hadn't heard of Memin until today but I did some research and really see nothing wrong with the character or the comic.

  3. Mimin makes me miss reading my Little Black Sambo books. LOL! I hate political correctness, get a back bone people. We don't take away baggy pants and drive bys, let them have their comic book.

  4. Well said Soda. People are overly sensitive these days, it's really quite sad. All this politically correct stuff is really a bunch of bull. It makes people think twice about what they say and quite frankly, limits people's freedom of speech, which is what our founding fathers fought for.

  5. I don't believe you can really marry those 2 topics Mindbender.  The Memin situation should be looked at singularly and not as a front for an immigration agenda.

    For soda pop to make fun of the lady's name for it's African American origins shows you his racial insensitivity and worse that he did "research" and found nothing wrong with the illustrations.  He is a dimwit and a jackass and entitled to his shortsighted opinion.

    The kind of backwardness shown in the comic book was probably able to survive only because of Mexico's lack of diversity... it's not offensive to anyone in that country.  I'm still surprised that it was able to hang around for so long in a western country.  The illustrations are blatantly racist even if the writings are not and it belongs in the 1940's from whence it came. I say lets send it back there or at least back to Mexico. Where the heck is the Border Patrol when you need them?

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