
Why is it racist to call someone oriental?

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Because Asian means they come from Asia, hence includes Indians and other non-oriental groups. But when I say oriental, I still get daggers! What should I say then if not oriental?




  1. Oriental sounds weird. Try Asian :)

  2. Perhaps try east Asian or south east Asian. Oriental has a sort of colonial tone.

  3. im 3/4 Japanese and dont get offended when im called Oriental. in fact i prefer Oriental to Asian, it sounds more respectful and exotic because chinese people overuse the word Asian too much.

  4. Personally, I don't find it racist when someone says oriental. I think the reason why people find it racist is because British colonists used this term when they were in India. Just say the nationality, instead of the race, if its too confusing for you.

  5. My husband is Oriental and he is fine with it. Some people, however, seem to associate the term with artefacts or rugs and would perhaps prefer to be called East Asian.

  6. Bull. My friend that I play badminton with is from Beijing. He often makes references to oriental things, referring to China as well. It is oriental. These "daggers" are probably coming from highly wound politically correct whites.

    However Oriental, thought NOT offensive to people with a brain, is sort of outdated. Asian is a more common word now.

  7. i say oriental when im trying to avoid calling someone chinese

    i dont mean to, but when you see someone oriental looking you just want to say it!!

    plus the word "asian" has different connotations

    in america it refers to chinese, japanese, korean etc

    in england it refers to indian, pakistani, bengal etc

    and there are much worse things than oriental to be called.. believe me

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