
Why is it raining so much in New Zealand?

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Why is it raining so much in New Zealand?




  1. i agree with both those answers. i cant remember the last year n year b4 that etc

  2. Because its winter in New Zealand, don't you remember winter rains of last year and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that, I could go on forever.

  3. Its because the AB's have lost....the sky is raining tears :-)

    I need some blue sky's and warm weather, so here I come Brisbane.

  4. Well it's a combination of two things really.Firstly, it is the middle of winter, this type of weather is to be expected, but it has been a lot of rain. The second factor is the really low air pressure we've been seeing. Air pressure dictates the ability of clouds to form and hold rain while also having a drastic effect on the wind, tides and such. So with these conditions prevailing we'll see more and more rain in the coming days. The good news is that the longer it lasts, the closer we are to warmer temperatures and with warmer temperatures means less chances for clouds to form and more sun.

  5. It is because of the El nino weather pattern. It happens every few years. It was predicted at the beginning of this year that north island will be raining heavily during summer and winter.

  6. Blame it on Australia, they keep on sending us their c**p weather. OK, they need the rain, but we don't.

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