
Why is it really gross at the heaviest part of your period?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so when I'm on my period and it's at the heaviest part of it..

It gets really nasty and it will come out in these like globs.. like big "chunks" of blood you can say I guess.

And I think it's pretty much disgusting.

Does this happen to anyone else

or is it kind of uncommon?

Sorry if this is all like

too much informationn.




  1. They are called clots and they are normal.

    Some periods you may get them, while others you don't.

    The only time you need to be concerned is when they are larger than the size of a nickel...then you would need to see your doctor. Or with debilitating cramps.

  2. They are blood clots and they are normal. However, very large ones can indicate a bigger problem that could be checked out.

  3. It's just clotting or bits of endometrial tissue... nothing I'd call "gross" or "disgusting".

    Happens to some women with every period, and to most at least once in a while... and it's normal.

  4. Thats very common, and no it is not disgusting at all.  Its perfectly natural.  Your period isn't gross or disgusting at all.

    Remember when you have your period, the walls of your uterus are basically shedding.  The walls of your uterus thicken in preparation for pregnancy, and when the body doesn't become pregnant, the walls shed.  That is what your period is, and hence why you have those clumps.

  5. yeah those are called clots youre fine everyone gets it  

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