
Why is it recommended that The Sims 2 be played on a PC rather than laptop?

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Anyone recommend a laptop?

I'm starting Uni next month and could do with a reliable one for my work...

plus I'd like to use it to play the Sims 2




  1. Because PC's are normally much more powerful than laptops, making the game run smoother.

  2. Yes

    Its true

    Its because Laptops takes up more ram and if ur willing to play Sims 2 on  a laptop be willing to spend £700+

  3. not true! The sims 2 works better on my laptop than it does on my desktop computer, try getting a laptop with 1 gb ram ((OR OVER)) and a processor over 2.5


  4. most laptops don't have good enough of a video card/graphics card to run the sims 2. any laptop capable of running sims 2 as good as the average desktop does is gonna cost you a couple thousand dollars if not more. do yourself a favor get a basic laptop for studies and a decent desktop for your room to run games on that way you won't be tempted to play games in class instead of paying attention to the professor when he/she is teaching. you just might end up with a education.

  5. Well its true that the game takes out a lot.  So if you want to have space to do other things as well then I would definately get a PC cuz they can be upgraded to hold more.  Also having a mouse is really helpful with the game cuz its easier to move around and control.  

    Laptops are great if you need to take them to classes or to work to take notes.  I recommend getting a nice pc and a cheap laptop so you can take the laptop with you and then transfer everything from it to your pc when you get home.  using it mainly as a storage device basically

  6. I have all The Sims 2 games installed on my laptop and it's a Toshiba laptop. It runs absolutely fine for me, even better than it did on my PC. So, don't worry too much!

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