
Why is it rude to curse in front of your parents?

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I don't mean cursing your mom and dad out, rather my wife and I have been having some marital problems, so our parents called an intervention. My wife got very upset at one point and started yelling at me. She started cursing (ie: F--k that Ross, you're so childish and lazy! You're always wearing your god d--n shoes in the house tracking dirt all over the floor and in the bathroom. What the h-ll is your problem?!)

Her mother got very upset and started tugging on her sleeve saying, "Stop cursing. That's very rude to do in front of your husband's parents."

My wife pushed her mom's hands away and said, "Look, I'm a grown woman! If I want to f--king curse because I am angry, that's what I am going to do. Don't shush me!"

My own parents got very upset and reprimanded my wife.




  1. I realize it isn't classy, but hey, if you are MAD, then go ahead and swear. Having people telling you NOT to is just going to get the person swearing ANGRIER. At least for me. I say get over it, they are just words.

    In a normal setting though, I would say that swearing casually in front of them would be rude.. but if you are mad, then whatever.

  2. An intervention is quite different than having someone over for tea.  Theres a lot of emotion involved.  Id say cursing in this situation is not rude.

  3. It's just rude to curse in front of anyone unless you intend to curse at them.  If you are cursing at them, it doesn't matter, for you want them to feel insulted.  But the people you are not cursing at feel uncomfortable because they feel as if they are in a scene they don't belong in...they don't want to see the entirety of your emotions.

  4. It's rude to curse in front of anyone.  It is not a polite way to speak.  

  5. first, yes cursing is rude, no matter who its in front of.

    but, your parents intervened?  were they asked to? and by who?  interventions can get very heated because there is always one person who feels like they are the ones being blamed, so i think if you and your wife are having that big of problems, you should see someone who is more objective, like a counselor. your parents have the right to be concerned, but they have to expect the bad with the good in a situation like this.........i really hope everything works out for you. good luck

  6. Its disrespectful. I NEVER cussed in front of my mom,my dad always taught us that when we were young.Never ever cuss in front of your mother.He didn't mind  it around just him but never ever in front of my mom.

    I dunno what it is but its considered disrespectful and I seriously do not want my daughters saying F this and F that in front of me 24/7.

  7. Well it is rude to curse in front of someone else's parents, depending on the situation. Your wife was angry, so she probably wasn't thinking about how she should be polite in front of your parents. So yes, she was being rude, but she had a reason to be.

  8. Yes it is rude and disrespectful.  But, it seems your wife was highly provoked by your actions.  Out of respect for your wife, I would think you should apologize for wearing your shoes in the house.  This sounds quite important to her.  It should be important to you also.  If you cannot take your shoes off in the house, try shoe covers to keep from tracking dirt throughout.  Oh, and tell her you love her and do not mean to aggravate her.  GL

  9. I don't think it's rude at all, I agree with your wife. To curse at your parents would be rude and disrespectful but to curse in their presence isn't rude - like she said, she is a grown woman. I curse all the time in front of my parents and other relatives. I've even cursed at my parents joking around and out of anger and they don't mind because they give back what they get.  

  10. Man, this is tough.  First off, maybe your parents aren't the best ones to do the intervention!  Then you and your wife would be "free" to say your feelings however you want.  Your wife is upset, and sharing painful feelings, so her impulse control is probably not very strong, and she didn't cuss to be disrespectful, but rather, because of being upset.  Later, when she has cooled down, she could offer an apology if she offended them, as a good daughter should do, however, to avoid any more outbursts in front of the parents, find someone else for intervention, or a counselor, or pastor, or someone else you trust.

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