
Why is it said that teenagers go through a lot and it's normal for teens to be weird???

by  |  earlier

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all the elders in my family say it , not necessarily about me, about all teens. then they say, they'll grow out of it. why??




  1. The "elders" say that because they were all young at one time .... They went through being a teen and know what it's like ... They also , obviously grew out of it. Believe it or not ,you will gain a certain amount of wisdom that comes from experiencing life.  The problem is that many adults   forget what it feels like to be young ... Sooo .... they see the young as stupid and strange ..instead of realizing they have to come to adulthood  to understand what we know from experience. and you will.

  2. because they went through it too and they know that hormones have a big affect on teenagers. so yeah it is normal I mean I am weird too but that is because we are all different ( plus I have a little or alot of insanity ha ha ha). it is normal for teenagers to stress or not know what to do so they may seem weird but they aren't. everyone is different and we all have to learn how to do anything that is why they say that. hope this helps take care

  3. It's hormones! And sometimes people are just born to be strange....but for the most part...yeah, it's hormones that eventually go away as we progress in our age.

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