
Why is it so bad being a middle child?

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i am the middle child in my family, older brother, and a younger sister. we are all 3 years apart. it feels as if i am the castout of my family. my brother and sister have always gotten the attention for everything, and i have been left in the dust. i accomplish something, as in my emt or cna, i get a good job once for emt, and nothing for my cna. when my brother gets a party for getting into the J school. and my sister gets everything she wants because she is the yongest child. my sister treats me as if i am the worst person in the world. as being a middle child is no excuse for how i am. i act out becuase i want attention from my parents. i have 2 tattoos and 4 piercings when they are totally against it. just to get their attention. even if its negative attention, i still want some kind. i have gotten myself involved with the police, i have tried to run away, but yet, i am barley noticed. i just dont understand what i have to do to get their attention. i p**s people off to the point of them hurting my physically because i need the attention. i just need someone to listen to me, someone to be there for me. my family doesnt understand that i hurt myself when i was younger becuase i had nothing, and my sibblings had everything. my sister now calls me fat, tells me what to do, tells me that i am worth nothing, i am a w***e. when i am not. and i know im not, but it still gets to me and i cry every time alone to myself, becuase no one cares. i just dont know how to deal with it all, i dont know what to do, i dont know if i cant take it anymore




  1. Dude, have you ever flat out told your parents you feel left out? Why don't YOU make the effort and TALK to them, get involved in your parents' lives? In turn, they'd be involved in yours. I'm the oldest, with two younger brothers. My middle brother also feels a bit left out, but not to the extreme you're at. For awhile, I felt as if I were the one being left out.

    But, obviously you want this to change since you're reaching out for help. Do as I said. Sit with your mom and watch TV, or go when someone is running errands, and have some one-on-one time with your parents. It might not be ALL the attention you crave, but it's better than nothing, right? You have to understand that you have two other siblings who also require attention, and you can't take it all. You simply cannot.  

  2. I am a middle child too, except I have a younger brother and older sister. I don't get much attention. I don't like it because if my little brither draw a picture, it's all "Ooh how nice!!" Eh yeah thats nice."

    Getting in trouble with the police is the wrong kind of attention. Instead of doing that, talk to your parents more often, ask them for help when you need help. Talk to them about it. If they know you are unhappy because of this, I'm sure they will understand.

    That is what I did and now I get more attention. Don't give up. Don't hurt people. Punch a pillow. Scream into your pillow. What I do when I am mad is I scribble furiously on a piece of paper. The more I calm down, the less I scribble and the more I draw a picture. Talk to your parents that your sister mistreats you. I understand what you go through. I went through it for a while.

    I still don't get all of the attention all of the time, but it wouldn't be fun with all the attention. Attention is good, but you don't want all of it. Don't listen to your sister. If you ignore her, she will see that it doesn't bug you anymore. Don't hurt yourself. Talk to your parents. That is the most important thing.

    I really hope it works.  

  3. Please google a short piece called Desiderata and read it. It has all the answers for both now & forever in it.

    Best wishes. uk

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