
Why is it so bad for kids to drink?

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i've heard it affects kids differently from adults?




  1. Their metabolism isn't mature enough to handle it.

  2. Everything affects kids more than adults because they (you) are still developing... be careful kid.

  3. Kids brains and bodies are still developing and drinking too much can adversely affect that. However, drinking moderately (no more than 2 drinks per day) likely has little effect. But in the end, its illegal in the US until you are 21 and thats the law folks!

  4. because they'll get wasted, or get alcohol poisoning, probably easier than adults.

  5. US culture frowns upon it.

    Excessive alc consumption can impact development, but very unlikely.

    Consider that beer was the prefered beverage for ALL ages before sanitation improved.  

  6. get a clue.if it was okay for them to drink why is the legal age to buy is 21. DUH!!!!!!!!

  7. cuz it messes their brains up

    at least wait till they r 10

  8. because kids' bodies are not developed enough to handle it and they could get sick easier.

    also because it's just irresponsible for kids to drink. it's not needed for kids to drink. i think it's stupid for them to drink at such a young age. I myself am 15 right now and kids in my school get wasted every weekend and they are brought home passed out. it's just not safe and i think it's stupid.

  9. their brains havent fully developed

  10. Drinking as a kid, to the point of intoxication, is worse than if an adult were to do this.

    The simple reason is alcohol affects your brain, which just happens to stop development in your early 20s.  As a teen, you are causing damage to the brain by becoming intoxicated.

    Now, this is all true, but what's not talked about is the frequency that you need to drink to actually harm yourself.  Since most Europeans drink from a relatively early age, but don't tend to get so smashed as American teens (because it's illegal in the US; legal in Europe... yes, that implies a certain mystique about alcohol simply due to legality), and the fact that Europeans aren't apparently harmed by doing so, leads one to question just how frequently you would need to get obliterated as a kid to end up... shall we say, dumb?  I don't know the answer, but I suspect it is extremely frequently.  Like a teenage alcoholic, that sort of drinking pattern.

    Younger people in general tend to underestimate just how drunk they are.  They may be more likely to do illegal or dangerous things.  The other theory being that a young driver, who gets drunk, underestimates how intoxicated they are, can end up killing themselves and others.  We've all heard stories about it, this does happen.  BTW, drunk driving is going down, not up as many people would like you to believe.

  11. 1. Kids are less likely than adults to use good judgement in determining when to stop drinking because the section of the brain responsible for good judgement has not finished developing.

    2. Alcohol is damaging to their brains and bodies, which are still growing.

    3. Alcohol addiction can lead to other harder drugs in children and teens.

    4. Kids and teenagers can get very hurt or hurt others when they are not in control of their decisions.

    Check out this site for more info. on the teenage brain:

  12. because your intestines aren't fully developed so if you put toxins in it before they have the abillity to process it right it can stunt your growrth or give you serious helth problems

  13. because it is too much alcohol for their bodies to handle. they will eventually get drunk and drink more and more, and get sick.

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