
Why is it so cheap to ride the Mexico City subway?

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A ticket costs only 2 Pesos!




  1. Oro Rubí has the reasons...!

    ...and the consequences

    (I total agree)

  2. Same reason it's cheap to play a slot machine...  because they know the odds are against you making it.

  3. The sheer number of people that use the Metro dictates the cost.

    Twenty million dollars a day for example is a lot of doe rey me.

    construction costs and labour costs are relative .

    Your question would  better asked is why are U.S and Cnd metros so expensive.

    Mexico's Metro is one of the worlds most under subsidized in the world.

  4. Because the government subsidies it, absorbs part of the cost, so that "the masses" can "afford" it. Sadly what doesn't cost one, is not valued.

    I think they have way too many services at cheap prices which has resulted as having one of the biggest, most polluted, hard to handle cities in the world.

  5. The Mexico City government subsidies  an importan portion of the real cost.

  6. They realize how important public transportation is to the productivity of the city.

    Public transit is the live blood of many cities, but only if it is accessible and affordable to the masses.

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