
Why is it so difficult to find the correct information on search engines?

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Why are search engines so unspecific when it comes to a search? I look for something specifically, and a jumble of other garbage comes up that has nothing to do with what i was looking for. God that pisses me off AND I do not like digg or that other stuff.




  1. There are plenty of ways to narrow or broaden your searches.

  2. You must realize, first, that all a search engine does, when stripped down to the basics, is search for pages that have the words you have typed into the query.  Then they try to give you the most relevant searches according to what the average is.  For example if you are looking for a website about the color purple, the search engine would bring you back many results about the movie, "The Color Purple" as more people click on a link related to that movie when typing in that search term.  Try just using key words, not getting too specific, sometimes that helps.

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