
Why is it so easy for celebrities to loose weight!?

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Like girls on the hills, Girls aloud, The saturdays there all so nice and thin!

I doubt they even have time to work out, they eat whatever they want and there so skinny!

There must be a secret?

I mean everyday people have to go through so much hard work to loose the tinyest amount of weight!




  1. They MAKE time to work out!

    Celebrities eat ridiculously and dangerous low amount of calories per day, workout out way too much in a week.

    On top of that they can afford the best personal trainers, nutritionists, some even go as far as hiring chefs (Charlotte Church).

  2. They have time, money, trainers, they can afford special diets, and most importantly, they have access to some of the finest drugs, like amphetamines.

    One of the reasons why female celebs also have such nice bodies compared to Jane Doe, is because they do a lot of weights, and most women are sadly underdeveloped in the upper body.

  3. Celebrities can afford to hire personal trainers, diet coaches, calorie counters, and professional chefs.  When they dine out, they can tailor the food they eat to exacting detail.  They can afford home gyms with the latest and greatest equipment.  They can afford consultants and doctors to give them personalized advice.  The average joe or jane cannot.  Also, there is motivation- they have to look good to continue receiving their multi-million dollar paydays.  

  4. they probably have special pill made for them or the go anorexic. not all of them do that though

  5. They get paid for their image. It is their job to stay thin, and they have all the money in the world to buy the best trainers and diet plans.  

  6. Because they are rich and they use the extreme and unhealthy stuff, most of them don't admit it, but surgery is a big one for them.

  7. They have personal trainers who watch their food intake and aerobic output.  As for their work, they also have personal staff who do a lot of their work for them.

    All the Best

  8. money and they have the camera to lie for them

  9. They're born naturally fine-boned and narrow. You can be as fit and healthy as you want with as low a BMI as you can get and you'll still never be as narrow as those women because they are built differently than the average woman. It's very difficult to get a job in Hollywood as a dramatic actress if you're not in the 5th percentile or below in shoulder width - the narrower you are naturally, the thinner you will look at an emaciated weight.

    Also, many of them look haggard and drawn in real life. Only on TV with all that makeup and all those clothes do they look good.

    Finally, they can afford $100,000 a year on personal trainers, coaches, etc.

  10. no secret - they just take tons of drugs.

  11. I dont think it s easy, rather they make it seem easy. They undergo severe diets and exercise 7 days a week. what you see is not the product of an easy process.  

  12. You only see an hour of their daily lives a week, not even. They have the time and money to keep their bodies physically fit. There is no secret, they have to workout and eat healthy like everyone else.

  13. Trust me, they have time to work out.. its their job to look the way they do. With access to personal trainers, diet consultants and an otherwise hectic lifestyle, its not too hard to figure out. Add in that to become an entertainment you have to already have superior genetics.

    Striving for a body you see on TV or in a magazine will just lower your self esteem and/or create eating disorders. Eat healthy and exercise and you will maximize what God gave you to work with.

  14. they can afford lipo?

  15. It's not, but they can afford all the personal trainers and nutritionists to help them out.

  16. u knw y? they pay 4 it

  17. because their job depends on it!!!

  18. LYPO.

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