
Why is it so easy for people to be rude and disrespectful yet difficult for them to be nice and courteous?

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can someone answer that for me?




  1. They usually suffer from very low self-esteem.  People with a healthy self-image don't feel the need to go around trying to inflict negativity/hurt on others in order to feel better about themselves.  

    Best response (especially if others are present):  "Wow, I'm sorry you're having such a bad day; I hope things improve for you."  Say it in a genuinely sympathetic voice and with a friendly/concerned smile.   This establishes you as someone who can't be bullied, and who can't be sucked into a confrontation by "taking the bait" and insulting the person back.

  2. Well this goes with the saying 'think before you speak' many people don't. they speak what is on there mind. some just do it out of habit and others think they will forget it if they think about it. And some people are impatient and tell  people to 'hurry up' with there responce so the responder may be rude from not being able to think of anything nice to say.

    Also, some people have just given up. they were always nice and no-one was nice to them so they just gave up.

    Like I said, some people are impatient.

    I hope you find your answer!

  3. Being nice and courteous requires some effort while being rude is easy as counting 1,2,3.

    Being nice involves sacrificing one's deepest desires to be kind to others, and to care about others.

    Rude people usually NEVER CARE about others.

  4. i really dont know either. i just dont understand people or society anymore.

    we try to go our own ways and be individuals but all we want is to be normal and fit in. the only thing we hide is the truth because if you think about it, what else is there to hide?

    maybe were just trying to hide our weaknesses.

  5. Some people just feel it's their God-given right to act as if they think the world rotates around them. Particularly drivers. I agree with pdevans; lots of younger people today act as if they know it all, and they definitely don't hide that fact. Nine times out of ten, I'm ashamed to be associated with this generation. I know someone who I was at Sbarro's pizza with once. He was paying for both of us, but noticed they made an error on the receipt that cost him a little more money. Human mistake, right? Wrong. He went to the counter and made a damned fool of himself, almost getting security called on himself. I just patiently waited at the table, all while holding my head down thinking "......I don't know him, he's just a crazy guy sitting at my table."

    Also, he once blew up when someone looked at him funny. When I confronted him, he said "I don't like people looking at me funny like that, people shouldn't do that." That was when I told him making an idiot of himself was only going to make MORE people look at him funny and that, unless he's an organised crime boss, people will look at EVERYONE funny. He didn't seem to understand, but that's his problem, not mine.

    Not to mention the fact that being rude is so much easier than being courteous.

  6. circumstances  dictate.

    people  have  a right  to  be treated  with  respect to  an  extent.  but  only  if  they  have  done  the  same.

    APATHY  and SARCASM  are  two  of  the  biggest triggers  for  what  some might  consider  a  distrespectful  outburst.

    and  they  flow  like  water  from  most  young people.

    if  young  people  are properly  socialized  they  generally  dont  have to  deal  with  that from  people.

    its the young  spoiled  divas  who  think  the  world  revolves  around  them; who  think  they  can say  the  first  thing  that  comes  into  their  head  if  it  sounds  funny;  or blow  you  off  every time  their  cellphone  rings, who find  other  people  insufferable  but  its  they  who  are  insufferable

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