
Why is it so easy for some people to lie?

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Why is it so easy for some people to lie?




  1. It goes to the core of the person.  There are two type of people...good and bad.  They either do the right thing or do the bad...yes everyone now and then make mistakes and tell a lie or two but we also repent and ask for our sins for be forgiven..this all started back with the fruit tree and Adam and Eve.  But then you've got the other side who feel they can say and do anything, live life with another set of rules that it just doesn't matter.  They don't care who they hurt and who their lies affect.  As long as they are getting what they want for that exact moment they are satisfied.  It is simply the type of person we are and the choices we make.  You either make a choice to be a decent person or an immoral and indecent one.  There are ways to change and improve ones life, but most don't care to because scams and lies make their lives so much easier.

    Peace & Love :)

  2. i'm not a bad person, im not particularly mean to anybody, i do pretty well in school, im healthy

    yet, i find lying pretty easy and dont feel to much guilt in it, but then again my lies arent TOO serious ( like anything illegal )

  3. some? everybody lies. it's human nature.

  4. If you can convince yourself that the lie is actually true or that the lie is for a good purpose, then it is much easier to lie.

  5. It is easier for people who are not overly religious to lie.  Religious people usually carry lots of guilt which prevents them from lying and forces them to confess if they do lie.  Religious people are also manipulated and controlled because of this.  Religous people may give this thumbs down but from a sociological (Marxist) perspective, this is the best answer I can give.

  6. I guess it just depends on your beliefs.

    Lying to me is a necessary evil, therefore I feel no guilt.

  7. If a person is insensitive, it seems to make them better liars. Hey, I added you onto my new account, hope you don't mind. x x x

  8. Because lying is easier than telling the truth

  9. Because after a while it becomes second nature. Just like riding a bike.

  10. If you notice, even tiny children who are only just learning to speak, lie.  It is not difficult to lie, not difficult at all.  What is truly remarkable is that there is as much truth being spoken.  You see, people are not born "good".  People are born little more that smart animals.  In fact, one of the most dangerous predators on earth.  People need to be taught to be "good".  Things like sympathy, empathy, altruism, honesty, sharing, caring, love, honor, in fact all of the characteristics we place the highest value on are learned not natural.

    So, people who routinely lie, are operating at a very base level of humanity.  It is actually a very easy way to go and as the saying goes: Nothing of real value is easy.


  11. It comes from their attitude and perception. Some people find it easy to lie for their own good and well being. Sometimes for selfish reasons. The real reason is to gain personal benefit by cheating or lying someone.

  12. I was told by a person that when they were younger if they did something perceived to be wrong by their parent then they would get physically abused, but if they provided a lie then they might have a good chance at not getting beaten.  As a result lying became an immediate response to any inquiry and they even lie if they think they MIGHT be asked questions at a later time about something they did which could be judged as being incorrect.

    I don't think anyone is born knowing how to lie.  I think it takes experimentation, practice, and the more they practice the better they get at it.

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