
Why is it so easy for some women to get pregnant but for others it is very difficult?

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A friend of mine didn't want any kids but then she ended up getting pregnant and really didn't want the baby.. Another friend has been trying to have a child and hasn't had any luck but really does want a baby.. I have been trying but not much luck...




  1. u can look around real hard but this is one mystery that may never be solved.i wonder about it many times myself,some woman have 4 or 5 kids but still they keep conceiving more & the ones who have been trying to have even one for years get it very late.its just that some woman have very fertile body & for some woman it takes a little time.dont loose hope just keep on trying & do what u r supposed to right,do exercise,pray,do yoga or whatever u like & ultimately it will happen for u!

  2. Pregnancy depends on so many factors being just right, in the end it really just comes down to luck. I only have one ovary but have just had my third child, all three were conceived easily and naturally.

    I hope you get your baby soon!

  3. I just heard today that my friend's pregnant with her fourth and she doesn't even want the baby. She just had her youngest 6 months ago! I tried for seven years with my first and we're now TTC again. I'm livid! lol... but it's not her fault.

    When you're trying to conceive, you are under a lot of stress and it delays the process - when you're not, there's no stress and you get pregnant easier.

    Some women (and men) just have a lot of medical issues others don't have. Some are more fertile than others. It's all very complicated, and a lot of factors should be taken into consideration when people can't get pregnant.

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