
Why is it so easy to become special forces in the US army?

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Almost everyone I meet is in the special forces, or brags about knowing someone in the special forces.

Most marines I meet claim to be gulf war vets yet served as REMF or had posts in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

What kind of a military breeds such "walter mitty" type characters?




  1. your a gullible idiot aren't you..I bet you would believe me if I told you I was the son of satan..those guys you were talking to have a 99.99% chance that they are just bunch of lame posers who have never even been in the military, probably much like yourself.

  2. Amateur army??? the US Military is the most powerful fighting force ever to exist. if we didn't have p***y politicians running the show we would have already greased every terrorist in the middle east. We may have also   finished a job we left undone in 1814. Remember who saved your *** in the 40's...that was the "amateur army" you were talking about.  

  3. A handful of US states messed up England enough that they gave us our independence and didn't mess with us again.  

  4. You will never in your lifetime wear a green beret.  

  5. You evidently haven't tried, or you wouldn't think it easy.

  6. You obviously do not know what you are talking about..... it is VERY difficult to qualify for Special Forces.....AND even harder to become a Green Beret..... I know.....I have been there and done that

    Because you ran into some fakes just indicates the type of people you hang out with....that has no value when it comes to evaluating the real thing..... I occasionally run into these fakes... most of them are so stupid they do not even do the research to support their lies.... I coin them..... or ask them a few simple questions.... then usually I embarrass them

    I spent 15 years in the Green Berets.... I worked with and trained with several British units.....including SAS..... I have a huge respect for them..... but I find your childish attempt to denigrate the US military unprofessional and not worthy of the blokes I shared time with....

    Your simplistic approach to solving the Sadr problem is typical of someone with little experience or knowledge of the military.... beyond the fact that assassination is against the would NOT solve the problem.....the idiot that takes Sadr's place may be worse than that joke Sadr

    FINALLY.... We lead the largest coalition of free nations in the history of the world.....but Georgia is not one of them.....they pulled out to defend their not only do not know much about the know less about current events

  7. 1.  There are a lot of people running around with SF combat patches (legitimately earned or not) who are not SF.

    2.  There are also a lot of people running around who lie about their service to make themselves look cool.

    3.  Those servicemembers who were in Kuwait or Saudi during the Gulf War ARE Gulf War veterans, just not combat veterans.

    4.  It is not easy to earn the SF tab and Green Beret.  It is fairly straightforward (maybe even easy) to APPLY to become Army SF.

    5.  It is not the military that breeds this mentality of overstating ones qualifications, it is the country as a whole.  Everyone wants to feel good about being patriotic, but few want to actually serve and sacrifice.

    6.  Unfortunately, the US Military does not have the same centuries-long history of oppressive occupations as the UK military.  We are still learning, though, and maybe we can catch up to your professional standards.

  8. Please read up on your World War II history before making comments about the US Army.  

  9. mother fvcker you dont know anything about the U.S Military apparently. you british fvkcs cant even brush your teeth and you want to call us amateurs lol. we have more nukes than any other country in the world. but we're amateurs. whens the last time your country picked a fight with a country just because they didnt do what you said? how about NEVER! and yeah we do that cuz thats how we roll *****. OORAH!

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