
Why is it so easy to paint fathers as violent, alcoholics, and criminals?

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Especially to oust him from the family home




  1. maybe because so many of them are.

  2. If you're talking about divorce cases, probably the same reason it's so easy to paint female victems as sluttish and "asking for it" in rape cases... I suspect juries like to believe the worst about people, even when it's not justified. And lawyers are very good at manipulating opinions like this. It's kind of become their job. This is not a problem limited to men, but something that affects everyone.

    If you mean socially, then I don't think it's easy. Certainly, kids are a lot less likely to accept turning against their father than you think, and any woman that tries is very foolish and immoral.

  3. It's a great techinque that works.

    even when it's NOT based on reality.

  4. Because people are more likely to believe that the father is violent. It's just a stereotype. Also when mothers/wives are the violent abusers men are less likely to complain about it for fear of being humiliated or not believed.

  5. mothers were supposed to take care of children, food household etc. so i think it was easier for the father to be criminal alcoholic and show it, it would be harder for the mothers i guess.

    its a stereotype i think. novadays mothers drink and take drugs as much.

    i dont know, it's not my subject, just a thought.

  6. So many men have painted themselves that way and now those rotten apples have stunk up the barrel for the good ones.  That is what actually happened.

  7. Money! It's a good money making venture to keep the ugly father stereotype going. The State makes money, the Lawyers make money and of course the spouse/mother makes money.  

    Men still make more than women. This is changing. If a man is in a bad marriage and wants out, he knows that he will probably loose most of what he has and will be paying out the rest in monthly installments. You can bet that most women know this as well. All of this is made possible by that ugly stereotype. The laws in this country concerning family are based on it. Feminism and greedy politicians made it possible, however men/fathers had to be seen in a negative light at all times for it to work.

    As men, we should blame ourselves as well for sitting back like sheep at slaughter and allowing it to continue. We do have a voice, though diminished,  and our vote still matters!

  8. No dout it usually is seen during an divorce. It don't have to be true just the accusation  is enough.

  9. because it's a common stereotype.

  10. Thats usually what they show us in the News. Good, kind fathers aren't shown enough on the News. So all that are seen are the ones who beat children and kill someone by driving drunk. Also movies seem to create that image, seems to make the movie a little more intense.

  11. I have known a number of fathers that fit this description. Not all, not even most, but enough to know it is a sub-group of fathers that is statistically significant.

    Maybe it's 'easy' for some people to 'paint' their fathers this way because that is just what their experience has been.

    Cheers :-)

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