
Why is it so expensive to live in the UK nowadays..? Its getting ridiculous!?

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Why is it so expensive to live in the UK nowadays..? Its getting ridiculous!?




  1. Gas (petrol) is over $12 a gallon in the UK

  2. its cause the population is so huge theres not enough land to build many more houses so theres more competition in buying instead of getting the odd offer sellers will be getting more

    another reason follwing on from that is because the above puts people off buying so uk sellers need to make their money, they know they are unlikly to get a good offer quick so they may as well be selling higher prices

  3. I think it is getting that way everywhere.  Here in the US gas was a dollor a gallon eight years ago, now it is four.  Milk has tripled, and food is skyrocketing.  Meat is especially expensive.  My family is lucky we have land and can grow things for ourselves and trade with our neihbors.  I don't know how the poor people in the cities deal with it though.  For us the massive increase in diesel fuel for tractors has been most painful.  It causes a huge encrease in costs to produce anything.

    Big cities here have been hit very hard in lay-offs, so that nearby Detroit where we used to make all our cars has actually shrunk from  a population of two million twenty five years ago to 800,000 today.  It looks like a ghost town with street after street of borded up windows.  The poor folks in the innercities are all hurting the most I can imagine, they don't have their own wood lots for heating and don't have room to grow a good vege-garden.  

    I imagine that part of the reason that the prices of everything is increasing is tied to the global price of oil.  It takes fuel to produce and deliver all the goods we use, so as the oil prices encrease the cost is passed on to the consumer.  To drop the prices we need more oil, or a really viable new fuel source.  We tried ethanol but all it did was encrease the feed prices for the stock.  The ethanol was too expensive to make switching the tractors over feasible, but because corn was being used for fuel the bushel price skyrocketed and that raises the price of foodstuffs even more.

  4. Its scary.

    I dont nkow why but it seems ever since Gordan Brown took over! Good ridence!

    However, I was in France the other week and it cost 3-4 euros for a can of coke varying from place to place, I wanted to know how they managed to live??

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