
Why is it so hard for all these sh**head politians to do good things for our country & the people that make it

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work (that would be you & me)? It's not about the Rep. or Dem. winning, it's about the people of this country.




  1. The way it's always been - the unions (dems) against companies (repubs).  

  2. Cor-porations are cor-rupt.  The 14th Amendment was supposed to give rights to former slaves, but some bigoted activist right-wing judge decided that it was meant to give rights to corporations.  Ever since then, they've been f***ing up the country.

  3. As Letitcountry said, we need to set limits to the terms of the Senate.  combined with special interest groups that entrench themselves deep within Washington, our government is no longer for the people, but for these groups.  Both parties are guilty of this, one no more than the other.

    But we must also be rational ourselves.  Mao Tze Dong led the people on a proclaimed mission to rid themselves of the government of ranks, with a communist system, but ended up instead making a police state from what was before a weakened government.  This is the problem...a one party state would be very risky without strict term limits to curb the power of politicians.  Otherwise, you may get a facist state like Germany did with the rise of Adolf Hitler, another person who promised change and prosperity (both of which he delivered on, at the cost of 6 million innocent people killed, and a war that devestated the world.) A three party system seems most appropriate, as a no party system will just form new parties in time, though something may actually get done with no parties before this happens though.

  4. First law of politicians:  "Love thyself as you proclaim to love your voters during an election".

    We desperately need to introduce term limits to both the house and senate.  This is the only way we could stop politicians from entrenching themselves and gaining enormous amounts of power and wealth.  But do you think such a law would ever pass?  It has to go through them first....

  5. It is because of all of the money that these politicians get from special interests.  

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