
Why is it so hard for me to move on?

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My husband left me and our 2 boys 3 1/2 months ago. Neither of us have filed for divorce yet. he has a girlfriend yet we have started doing more things together. With 2 kids it is hard not to have anything to do with him. Why is it so hard for me to accept the fact that he's not coming home? He still loves and cares for me, just not like he used to.




  1. wow..that must be so much for you and your children, my apologies... my father passed away and my mother has to take care of my sister and i..i may be young but i know what may be the problem..this whole situation is still fresh for you, so you do have an acception to being hurt over this. dont force yourself to move on..things like this take neeed to take one day at a time..also i think you should check in with your must be so hard for them..this time is the time for you and your children to stay together and let them know you will be there for them..

    theres many things you can do to try and get this off your mind..if you can go on a vacation for the week or go somewhere the kids always wanted to go for the all will get everything off your long as you keep yourself busy,it makes everything easier..i always took my mom outside of the house as much as possible help her get my fathers death off her mind..whether your husband comes back or not, you need to keep you and your children happy

  2. well is hard because u are so used to him and sleeping with him and all those tiny little things he used to do with u or for u and specially with 2 kids omg that is even harder but u know what since he aperently has moved on girl try to look for a babysitter and go out have alot of fun byureself or with some friends and meet people or even guys why not u know have fun and of course is so hard but u know little by little try to move on just dont fall for another relationship with anybody just have fun ok  

  3. Sometime moving on is very hard, and sometimes we just hope that it may work out. If he has a girlfriend I would say it is time to move on. If you and him can still be friends I say... That is the best thing in the world.... To mary times people break up and they hate each other and than is never good for the kids. no one says you need to find a new mate, you first need to find out who you are now and who you want to be in a year or so. Take the time to live your life with your kids, and in time you will find someone, Probably when you are not

    Good luck

  4. Because you haven't owned up to the fact that he has and is cheating on you and you don't like it. It could be that you don't care how or what he does, just as long as he puts his shoes under your bed once in awhile. Wake up! He broke his vows. File for that divorce and get on with your life.  

  5. You are on the mourning process. Try to take a day at a time.

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