
Why is it so hard for people to accept that global warming is NOT proven?

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I know it is blasphemy to refuse to swallow hook line and sinker the Al Gore view that Earth is only a decade away from meltdown, but the truth is that weather trends fluctuate and have for millions of years. However, any time you attempt to discuss the CRISIS of "global climate change," professors and teachers accuse you of listening to too much Rush Limbaugh! Whatever happened to objective discussion? Why do we have to either agree completely or be called fascists by people who obviously don't even know what the definition of fascism is!?




  1. I believe you, nobody has got proof that Global Warming is real but nobody has proof Jesus came to us but people believe that.

  2. Because the vast majority of scientists in the world say it is.

    EVERY major scientific organization has said this is real, and mostly caused by us.  I don't think they get their science from Al Gore.

  3. The bottom line is indeed the planet does have mood swings, the reality is that mans activities have really ticked her off and accelerated the process.

  4. Hi Abner,

    We cannot demonstrate that a dinosaur existed as we pictured, but we do as much possible to study dinosaurs based on evidence.

    We definitely didn't start global warming, but we definitely do contribute to it now.

  5. Because Global Warming or Climate Change (as it is now known) seems to be more like a cult following than actual science. It (like a cult) hooks people because of their "feelings". Emotion takes over all rational thought, therefore it becomes an "act of war" to disagree with them!!!!  

  6. I am sorry to say there is still money in Global Warming lies.  As long as there is money, the lies will continue.  GW and the whole Gaia concept has a cult following, too.

    Good news.  Carbon credits were selling for as much as $40, today closed at $3.85 on the Chicago Exchange.  The end may be near.

    In the mean time the cult following and the books already pushed into schools will keep the topic alive.

    A personal note.  Having been in college student lately, I found it is OK to express a difference of opinion.  Once expressed, no debate is allowed.  After class other students congratulate you for speaking up.  It can be very lonely.  Not good to challenge teachers authority, though.  

    Report any grading irregularities to the teacher's boss and your parents.

  7. Guilt !

  8. It's like a religious dogma to these people.  They believe because their cult priests tell them to believe,

    You see in all of the environmentalist manifestos, that the majority of scientists agree in global warming.  Well i'm a scientist and I know many other scientists who were never included in this poll.

    It like when the priests lined up against Galileo when they knew that earth was the center of the universe.

    Notice how often politicians line up on the wrong side, simply because they are the majority?

  9. Because the scientific evidence supporting the man-made global warming theory is overwhelming.  That's why there's a scientific consensus on the issue.

    There are certainly unresolved issues, such as how much the planet will warm in the future, what the effects will be, etc.  But it's about as close to "proven" as it can be that humans are the main cause of the current warming (see link below).

  10. They have their agenda and they have too much invested in it to let the facts get in the way.

  11. In a way I agree with you. Since there's evidence to suggest that our climate is changing at a rapid rate, but in addition to this there's also evidence that shows trends like these in the past. However, the current change in climate and global weather patterns has happened in such a short space of time i.e. less than a hundred years, that it has, understandably, become a worrying trend. I guess we'll never completely know until either a) we all melt, or b) temperature climbs stabilise.


  13. Do you even know what fascism is?   Bush calls anyone he doesn't like fascists.    How can you have an objective discussion over a fact?   You can discuss all day about wether gravity is real or not, but at the end of your discussion gravity will still be real wether you believe it or not.    We have long ago passed the point of discussing wether its real or not, and am now trying to figure out if humans are making a sizable contrabution to the problem.    I would never accuse Russ L. of having an objective discussion either.

  14. It is hard for a skeptic to accept that which is false.

    Global warming not being proven is false.

    Thus a skeptic would accept that global warming IS proven (at least to the very high burden of proof required in science).

    I'm quite skeptical of the conjecture that global warming is natural as no one who claims that it's a natural cycle can actually show what natural warming cycle we're going through (we're actually in a cooling cycle now, or at least would be if it weren't for the CO2 we're pumping into the atmosphere) nor can they show that the sun is increasing in output without misquoting (in fact there seems to have been a slight decrease).

  15. I agree with you completely!!! Narrow minded gullible twats.

  16. Because Al Gore says the debate is over.  (When did it ever start?)

    He's the AGW guru...the sheep flock to him for comfort.

  17. I think not many people have enough scientific background to argue effectively with scientists.  If a scientists says something, they have no reason (or ability) to effectively question them even if what is said is obviously biased or wrong based on their common sense.  Most people also are politically ignorant IMO.  Because fascist are popularly labeled as right wing and Rush Limbaugh is labeled as right wing, they must be synonymous.  It couldn't be further from the truth.  Rush is ignorant of science but understands well the political motivations of leftist movements using cherry picked scientific facts to further their agendas.

  18. Canadian arctic ice evaluations appear to be repeating last year's record setting loss of ice, and heading for a new record, despite a cold Nina winter.

    This kind of news item makes it difficult to entirely dismiss claims of global warming, even if it is a false claim.

    However, there is a more significant problem. People who are denying that the earth is warming have been joined by a lot of people who acknowledge that it is warming but dispute the cause.

    Then we have a lot who agree with both the warming observation, agree that we are significantly causing it, but do not agree that we can control it by reducing emissions.

    With all of these positions, it does appear that those calling it a hoax may be losing ground in terms of public opinion.

    So, when public opinion changes, we have to assume that the onus is on those who disagree to do more than shout hoax. The onus is now to  present a scientific proof at least to preponderance of evidence level. With public opinion favouring the view that there is global warming, it is no longer necessary to prove it to the public. The contrary is odd man out now.

  19. well, first off, it has been pretty much proven. thousands of top scientists have come to the same conclusion time and time again. The only people denying it are busineses, and those funded by oil companies and the bush admin (whom hates the planet more than anything)

    and secondly, proven or not, people are taking steps to be cleaner and greener in the event that it IS all true. even if Global Climate change is never proven, it's no reason to say "ok, we might as well f**k everything up totally, cause there's no gaurantee" it's called thinking ahead. plus more efficient items save YOU loads of cash

    and thirdly, you say it's not proven because why? cause people like rush limbaugh and Bush say it's not? what makes THEIR word so much more true than the thousands of scientists who say it is proven?

    and just look at all the thumbs down I got for saying what is essentially common sense truth. and you idiots call US band wagon cultists? pssh!

  20. The old models used to prove global warming have been found to be wrong. Conclusion: there is no global warming caused by man. These are the facts.

  21. There is no such thing as the global warming scare they are promoting with rhetoric that just does not fit the observed and documented facts historically recorded since the mid 1800s. To me it is just another case of that old line from a movie called Casablanca during the hottest period of the last 100 years. “Play it again SAM”, that one line says everything I have seen on the subject, I have lived through the cycle three times now from hot to cold and back to hot again. I was born in 1940 right in the middle of the warm period then that set all the heat records we have not yet reached, let alone exceeded during the current warm spell. What the AGW fanatics do not comprehend is that all the major warming occurred before the year 1940 and that since that date it has cycled up and down a couple of degrees around that point. But then profiteers, con men and other forms of hucksters will never miss a chance or opportunity to skim a few bucks out of the pockets of convenient suckers.

  22. see : godwin's law (wikipedia)

    then throw it into your professor's face.



  24. Because everyone needs something to believe in, even if it scares the h**l out of them, and for some people, this is it.

  25. It should be easy for them to accept.

    - Increased CO2 concentration follows temperature rise, not causes it

    - Temperatures haven’t risen for 10 years, CO2 has.

    - It has been warmer in the past

    - There has been more CO2 in the air in the past

    - Sea Level rise is not increasing

    - There aren’t more tornado’s than before

    - From 1940’s to 1970’s temperatures fell while CO2 concentration rose

  26. My answer is;

    In your arguments You prove Global Warming is a Natural occurring trend on this planet.

    The planet warms (hence we are not in a Ice Age.) Correct?

    And because of th different Ice age's through out history (more then 1), you would then agree that the planet also goes thru Global Cooling, also correct?

    So without All the BS from Both sides.

    Is it possible,

    that with pollution,

    Man is speeding up the Natural Occurrence of Climate Change on our planet?

    The Sky is Blue

    The Sun is Hot

    Water is Wet

    Climate change killed the dinosaurs

    We will be next,

    and there is nothing anybody can do.

    That is my answer.

  27. Actually we're down to 8 years until doomsday.  Big Al was predicting a decade two years ago.  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the meltdown.  I'm bringing marshmallows, you bring the graham crackers, and one of the tree huggers can bring chocolate.  With the skyrocketing heat we can sit around and cook s'mores while civilization melts.  It will be good fun.

  28. To many people on the band wagon who have already invested big money to make big money on global warming

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