is it really that hard for people to get? why is it easy for people to understand the bond of seperated twins but not the bond between mother and child?
If twins (and it isn't just identical twins but faternal twins two) can be born and seperated from birth, still feel like they have a twin, dress alike, talk alike, walk alike, do the same type of work, and have seperation disorders to the point they have wanted to stop seperating twins. why is it so hard to believe that a child that didn't share the womb with anyone would have the same problems? we touched her, heard her voice, felt her rub us when we kicked, sing to us when she was in the shower. why do we not get the same understanding? is it not the same? seperated twins don't remember anymore than we do. why is it so hard for people to see the pain felt from seperation at birth situations? not just from twins but from our nmothers too? why do people think i should just get over it?