
Why is it so hard for people to tip their pizza delivery driver?

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Papa Johns Deliver Drivers




  1. It's not expected, and why should we?

  2. Maybe because the pizza is already so expensive they just don't want to pay more

  3. i do not as much as i used to but not alot of places are adding a delivery charge to your order so there goes there tip,,

  4. I don't really believe in tipping. I mean, those people know the kind of wage they're making and regardless of what it is, they shouldn't be expecting it to be supplemented by tips. If they didn't like their wage, they could just go find a job. They know exactly what their jobs entails and whats to be expected/what they can expect. h**l, I've worked as salesperson and I didn't get a was my job any different from theirs? It's still a service job.

    Lets be honest here, I don't see doctors getting tips, what about teachers? Construction workers? The people that actually make our lives easier. I don't NEED someone to come and serve/deliver my food; I could just as gladly go out there and get it myself. I'd much rather prefer that to be honest as the service I get sometimes is horrid - not to say I'm at all picky and I rarely complain about service, regardless of how bad it is.

    So...I think the above will answer your question. :)

  5. Because most people don't think of the delivery person as they would a waitress or waiter - which is wrong!  People need to understand that any delivery person is going out of their way to deliver things so that the person receiving the food can be lazy (not intended to offend anyone - I order delivery!!).  Delivery people go out in conditions that most people don't want to - snow, rain, cold, hot...

    Plus - think about all the drunk people that delivery people have to deal with! My husband use to deliver pizzas for Dominos and had the same complaint.  

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that choose to not tip at all - which is rude!!

  6. I stopped ordering Papa Johns delivery because my order always arrived wrong, & that's not worth tipping.

  7. i always tip.  i think it must be a hard job and besides, what if i order again and they are alone with my pizza for another 30 minutes???

    we don't have papa johns in canada.  i normally order pizza hut (slow service), domino's (slow service) or pizzapizza (fast service, but pizza isn't so good).

  8. I don't even give a tip no more the reason is because of the delivery charge they add on.According to me that is there tip & the business's tip also.

  9. I dont know people should cause how else would there pizza get there

  10. Because the Pizza is already so expensive

  11. Because some people are spoiled ROTTEN!  

    As people take it for granted that somebody has to drive through traffic to get to your place in less than the 30 minutes allotted time (trying to avoid a ticket or an accident along the way)--it's just plain wrong NOT to give a decent tip.

    If someone delivers to me, I make sure that I give the delivery guy at LEAST 25% (if not more), for his efforts, and, yes, even if he gets there in 31 minutes, I STILL tip!

  12. Some people are rude like that... I always tip the driver in less he is more then 30 mins late because that's not good service... Or some people may not have alot of money and they cant afford to tip... I think that Papa Johns should pay there employees a good rate, so that way they just don't rely on tips as there payment...

  13. I don't think people realize what all a driver does or just how dangerous the job is. I deliver for PPJs too and I know what your talking about. People don't understand how much money we spend on gas and repairs. I calculated that on an average 1 order run, I spend $2 in gas. So on an average day I make about $1.50 per hour plus tips. We don't get the delivery fee!!!!

    People think that we don't do as much for them as a waiter or waitress. Fact is a waiter or waitress doesn't have to spend money to wait on them. We do. Waiters don't have to work outside in the rain and snow. We do. They don't face near the dangers we do. Waiters can also service multiple tables at a time, leading to more tips.

  14. well if you use a credit card theres user fee attached!

    if you pay with cash/ maybe they don't have enough/ most tips for drivers should be based on costo f pizza/ and distance taken? average tip should be $7.00 per delivery ask if that can be included at work?? on charge card purchases? it's up to driver/ maybe ask for tip??!!

  15. I always tip. I usually give the delivery person 4 or 5 $$. I also agree with some of the answers here though. Some places add a delivery charge. Ask the delivery person if they get that or if the restaurant gets that. I am willing to bet that the delivery person doesnt see any of that money.

  16. Because Papa Johns doesn't like tipping the drivers, because the drivers are out by themselves and can keep the money very easily, they aren't supervised. He is doing what Papa Johns wants him to do.

    Papa Johns is being greedy.

  17. the price of the pizza should include the price of the delivery.All prices have gone drastically high because of the war and expense of gas due to it. To expect a tip is paying twice for an agreed upon delivery of a product. The tip is supposed to be given for extra service beyond expectation.Not because the possibility is available to receive a tip.Does a person that comes into your store expect to pay a tip,when, they pick up the delivery from you? No, they expect a reduced price on the product,because they performed the delivery of the product.

  18. if something is like $17.89 then give them a $20.00 and tell them to keep the change and if they try to hand it back slam the door shut.

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